International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Bottigheimer, R. (1990) ‘Ludwig Bechstein’s fairy tales: nineteenth century bestsellers and
Bürgerlichkeit’, Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschten Literatur, Tübingen:
Max Niemeyer 55–88.
——(1993) ‘Sixteenth-century tale collections and their use in the Kinder- und Hausmärchen’,
Monatshefte 84, 4:412–490.
Briggs, K. (1976) A Dictionary of Fairies, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
——(1978) The Vanishing People, London: Batsford.
Caradec, F. (1977) Historie de la littérature enfantine en France, Paris: Albin Michel.
Carpenter, H. (1985) Secret Gardens: The Golden Age of Children’s Literature From Alice in
Wonderland’ to ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
[Cooper, J.] (1790) The Oriental Moralist or The Beauties of the Arabian Nights Entertainments
translated from the original & accompanied with suitable reflexions adapted to each story by
the Revd Mr Cooper Author of the History of England &c &c &c, London: E.Newbery.
Darton, F.J.H. (1932/1982) Children’s Books in England. Three Centuries of Social Life, 3rd edn,
rev. B.Alderson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davis, J.H.Jr (1987) The Happy Island: Images of Childhood in the Eighteenth-Century Théâtre
d’Education, New York: Peter Lang.
Ewers, H.-H. (1984) Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der Romantik, Stuttgart: Phillip Reclam Jun.
[Fielding, S.] (1744) The Adventures of David Simple: Containing an Account of his Travels Through
the Cities of London and Westminster, In the Search of A REAL FRIEND. By a Lady. In Two
Volumes, London: A.Millar.
——(1749) The Governess; or Little Female Academy. Being the History of Mrs Teachum, and her
NINE GIRLS. With their Nine Days of Amusement. Calculated for the Entertainment, and
Instruction of young LADIES in their Education. By the Author of David Simple. London,
[Fontaine, N.] (1708) The History of Genesis, London: Andrew Bell.
Goldstone, B.P. (1984) Lessons to be Learned: A Study of Eighteenth Century Didactic Children’s
Literature, New York: Peter Lang.
Grätz, Manfred (1988) Das Märchen in der deutschen Aufklärung: Vom Feenmärchen zum
Volksmärchen Stuttgart: Metzler.
Grimm, W. and Grimm, J. (2 vols, 1812, 1815, et seq.) Kinder- und Hausmärchen, Berlin: Reimer.
——(2 vols, 1823, 1826) German Popular Stories, trans. E.Taylor, London: C.Baldwin (1823); J.
Robins [1826].
Holbek, B. (1987) Interpretation of Fairy Tales, Folklore Fellows Communications 239, Helsinki:
Academia Scientarum Fennica.
Jackson, M. (1989) Engines of Instruction, Mischief, and Magic: Children’s Literature in England
from its Beginnings to 1839, Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press.
Jan, I. (1974) On Children’s Literature, New York: Schocken.
Kamenetsky, C. (1984) Children’s Literature in Hitler’s Germany, Athens, OH: Ohio University
Lang, A. (c.1889) The Blue Fairy Book, London: Longman, Green.
Leprince de Beaumont, M. (1756) Magasin des Enfans, ou Dialogues entre une sage governante et
plusieus de ses élives de la première dislimitive...on y donne un Abrégés de l’Historie Sacrée, de
la Fable, de la Geographic, London: J.Haberkorn.
Locke, J. (1693) Some Thoughts Concerning Education, London: J.Churchill.
MacDonald, R.K. (1982) Literature for Children in England and America from 1646 to 1774, Troy,
NY: Whitston.
Opie, I. and Opie, P. (1974) The Classic Fairy Tales, London: Oxford University Press.
Perrault, C. (1697) Histoires ou Contes du Temps Passé, Paris: Claude Barbin.


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