International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

books with a religious message that reflected popular taste. Popular taste has changed
and whether there will be room for a self-consciously Christian fiction in the twenty-first
century or whether it was simply a phenomenon of two hundred years’ duration remains
to be seen.


Alderson, B. (1973) ‘Miss Blyton in the way of progress’, The Times 2 May: 13.
Bratton, J.S. (1981) The Impact of Victorian Children’s Fiction, London: Croom Helm.
Humphrey, J. (1994) My God, it’s the Head’, in Auchmunty, R. (ed.) The Chalet School Revisited,
London: Bettany Press.
Martin, D. (1993) Charles Keeping: An Illustrator’s Life, London: MacRae.
More, H. (1798) Cheap Repository Tracts, 3 vols, London: Rivingtons.
Ramadan, K. (1988) ‘Children’s books in Kuwait’, Bookbird 26, 2:8–9.
Sherwood, M. M, (nd) The History of the Fairchild Family, London: Ward, Lock.
Stretton, H. (1876) Jessica’s First Prayer, London: Religious Tract Society.
Yonge, C.M. (1869) ‘Didactic Fiction’, Macmillan’s Magazine, 20:302–310.

Further Reading

Bottigheimer, R.B. (1996) The Bible for Children from the Age of Gutenberg to the Present, New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Cutt, M.N. (1974) Mrs Sherwood and her Books for Children, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
——(1979) Ministering Angels, a Study of Nineteenth Century Evangelical Writing for Children,
Wormley: Five Owls Press.
Demers, P. (1993) Heaven Upon Earth. The Form of Moral and Religious Children’s Literature to
1850, Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
Greene, I. (1995) The Christian’s ABC: Catechisms and Catechizing in England, c.1540— 1740,
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jones, W. (1850) The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society 1799–1849, London: Religious
Tract Society.
Milligan, E.H. (1988) ‘Elfrida Vipont as children’s writer’, Friends’ Quarterly 25, 2:66–76.
Pickering, S. E, Jr (1993) Moral Instruction and Fiction for Children, 1749–1820, Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press.


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