International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Froebel kan publishes two magazines: Kinda Ohanashi [Illustrated Stories for
Children], with quality literature and illustrations, and Kinda Bukku [Nature-kinderbook],
a nature magazine for children.
Ohisama [Sun] (4+), with a focus on literature, was founded in 1994. Ohanashi
Chairudo [Stories for Children] is also a literary magazine; Child honsha is the publisher.
Gakken Ohanashi Ehon [Gakken Illustrated Stories], published by Gakushukenkyu sha,
concentrates on illustrated stories, as does Kodomo no Sekai [World of Children],
published by Shiko-sha since 1947. Wanda Bukku [Wonder Book] was founded 1968
and is published by Sekaibunka-sha. Its focus is literature. San Chairudo [Sun Child],
published by Child honsha, is a science magazine.


Haksaeng Kwahak [Student’s Science] (10–15) concentrates on science, science fiction,
astronomy, fantasy, and puzzles, and also publishes children’s letters.


Zalgamzhlagch [The New Generation] (6–8), a general-interest magazine, was founded in

  1. Two other magazines are Pioneriin Udirdagch [Pioneer Leader] (9–12), and Pioneriin
    Unen [Pioneer Truth] (8–14).


In the last five years, magazine publishing has been flourishing in Singapore, and locally
published children’s magazines are now providing an alternative to magazines imported
from overseas. English is the official language used in schools and administration, but
the Singapore government also recognises Chinese, Malay and Tamil as official
languages. The literacy rate of 10-year-olds and above was 86.8 per cent in 1987.
Bookworm Digest (9–14) and Funland (9–13), in English, are general-interest
magazines and include children’s contributions. Singapore Scientist, an adult magazine
in English, has a large ‘young scientist’ section for 10 to 18-year-olds. Zoo-Ed (8–13) is
another science magazine written in English. Young Generation (5–14) is the only
bilingual (English/Chinese) general-interest magazine in Singapore, and Nadim the only
quality magazine in Malay.


For the young children in Taiwan there are two general-interest magazines: Seedling (3–
8) and Wisdom (8–12). The Children’s Magazine (6–12) and Youth Juvenile Monthly (12–
18) also are general-interest magazines with contributions by children. Little Newton
Magazine and Copel Science Magazine (both 9–15) are science magazines.

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