International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

and Fionnlagh Macleoid. A few, like Lisa Storey, are publishers in their own right:
Storey’s Inverness-based Leabhraichean Beaga, publishes Gaelic primary school works,
some illustrated by Mairi Hedderwick. There is also an active tradition, both oral and
printed, among Gaelic-speaking emigrant communities in countries like Canada.
Scottish writers have made a distinctive mark on the world of children’s literature and
publishing out of all proportion to their numbers. Writing in many forms, they show the
capacity of the Scots to think in English but to feel in Scots, and this binds them
successfully to the story-telling tradition.

Further Reading

Lindsay, M. (1992) A History of Scottish Literature, rev. edn, London: Hale.

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