International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Livres africains pour la jeunesse [African Books for the Young] (1994) Paris: Les amis de la Joie
par les livres.
Nyarko, F. (1985) ‘The production and distribution of children’s literature in Africa: a diagnostic
survey’, in Children’s Book Production and Distribution in Developing Countries (19th Congress
of the International Board on Books for Young People), Nicosia: Cyprus Association on Books
for Young People.
Odaga, A.B. (1988) ‘The job of a writer and book production in Kenya’, in African Youth Literature
Today and Tomorrow, Bonn: Deutsch UNESCO-Kommission.
Savory, P. (1990) The Little Wise One: African Tales of the Hare, Cape Town: Tafelberg.
Schmidt, N.J. (1981) Children’s Fiction about Africa in English, New York: Conch Magazine.
Segun, M. (1989) ‘The image of old age in Nigerian children’s literature’, in Bookbird 27, 2:5–8.
Siachitema, K. (1992) ‘When nationism conflicts with nationalist goals’, in Democratically
Speaking, Salt River, South Africa: National Language Project.
Takam tikou. Le bulletin de la Joie par les livres [The Bulletin of the Joy of Books] (1989, 1992,
1993, 1995), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1995 Paris: Les amis de la Joie par les livres.
Tötemeyer, A.-J. (1992) ‘Speaking from a book: the transfer of de-recorded information to the
information starved’, Newsletter 12, 9, Pretoria: South African Institute for Librarianship and
Information Science.
Traoré, R. (1987) La litterature d’enfance et de jeunesse en Afrique. L’exemple de la Côte d’Ivoire
[The Literature of Childhood and Youth in Africa. The example of the Côte d’Ivoire], Abidjan:

Further Reading

Brunot-Derioz, M. (1992) Une littérature francophone d’Afrique noire pour la jeunesse? [A
Francophone Black African Literature for the Young?], Paris: Universite Paris XII.
Chevrier, J. (1986) L’arbre á palabres. Essai sur les contes et récits traditionnels d’Afrique Noire
[The Tree of Palavers: An Essay on the Tales and Traditional Stories of Black Africa], Paris:
——(1992) Ecrivains de langue française. Afrique noire, Maghreb, Caraibes, Ocean Indien [Writers
in the French Language. Black Africa, Maghreb, Caribbean, Indian Ocean], Paris: Club des
lecteurs d’expression française.
Cilliers I. (ed.) (1988) Towards Understanding, Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman.
Jenkins, E. (1993) Children of the Sun: Selected Writers and Themes in South African Children’s
Literature, Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Konaté, S. (1993) La littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse en Afrique noire francophone: Burkina
Faso, Côte d’Ivoire et Senegal. L’impérialisme culturel a travers la production et la distribution
du livre pour enfants [The Literature of Childhood and Youth in Francophone Black Africa:
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal. Cultural Imperialism through the Production and
Distribution of Children’s Books], Ottawa: Bief.
Ormerod, B. and Volet, J.M. (1994) Romancières africaines d’expression française [African Women
Writers in French], Paris: L’Harmattan.
Patte, G. and Hannesdottir, S.K. (eds) (1984) Library Work for Children and Young Adults in the
Developing Countries/Les enfants, les jeunes et les bibliotheques dans les pays en voie de
développement, Munich: K.G. Saur.
Pellowski, A. (1980) Sur mesure. Les livres pour enfants dans les pays en développement [Made to
Measure. Books for Children in the Developing Countries], Paris: Unesco.


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