International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Asia 818;
authority of rhyme and assonance 180;
cultural values 21;
decline 534;
developing countries 655–8;
fairy tales 149;
Far East 812;
Greece 752;
Indian subcontinent 805, 806–18;
versus literary storytelling 532–1;
lullabies 172;
nursery rhymes 172–80;
playground rhymes 175–6;
skipping rhymes and games 182–8;
storytelling 531–44;
young readers and stories 375
Orbis Sensualium Pictus (Comenius) 216, 405,
428, 455, 515, 646
Orgad, Dorit 778
Orlando the Marmalade Cat (Hale) 228, 287,
Orlev, Uri 778
Ormerod, Jan 376, 506
Oro, Varela 872
Orwell, George 214, 344
Osaka Children’s Book Institute 540
Osborne Collection 123, 538–7, 541
Osti, Josip 767
Ostrovsky, Nicolai 735
The Other Award 504
O’Toole, John 202, 204
Al-Ourian 780–90
Outcault, Richard F. 249, 250, 251
Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul 541, 834–7
Overbeck, Christian Adolf 728
Owen, Gareth 200
The Owl Service (Garner) 130–5
Oxenbury, Helen 235
Oxenham, Elsie Jeanette 348–2, 352
The Oxford Companion to Children’s Literature
Oxford University Press Juvenile Library 122

Paconska, Kveta 235
Pagit, Eusebius 267
Pakistan 796–8, 807–19
Pakovská, Kvta 765
Pallis, Alexandros 753
Palmer, C. Everard 879

Pantelev, L. 760
pantomime: and Peter Pan 212
Papandoniou, Zaharias 754
The Paper Bag Princess (Munsch) 102
A Parcel of Patterns (Paton Walsh) 131–6
Paris, Bernard 90
Parishad, Shishu Sahitya 801
Parker Collection of Early Children’s Books
Parnassus Press 543
Parravicini, Luigi Alessandro 748
Patmore, Coventry 186
Paton Walsh, Jill 370, 560, 675, 676;
Goldengrove 131;
A Parcel of Patterns 131–6, 370;
on writing 557
Patten, Brian 199, 200
Paul, Lissa 8, 22
Pavey, Peter 839
Paz, Marcela 871
Paz Castillo, Fernando 878
Peabody and Essex Museum 541
Peacocke, Isabel Maud 844–7
Pearce, Philippa 44, 337–2, 378, 676
Pelgom, Els 706
Pellerin, Jean-Claude 315
PEN Translation Prize 519
Penguin Books 464;
USA 475
Pennac, Daniel 716
penny dreadfuls 492–1
Pérez Téllez, Emma 875
Perkins, David 29, 30
Perrault, Charles 149–4, 646, 708, 710;
gender dynamics 102;
translations 141, 151, 515
Perrott, Reg 244, 245
Persian language see Iran
Peru 664
Pestalozzi, Henrich 739
Peter Pan (Barrie) 204, 204, 211–17
Peterson, Hans 732
Petrov, Valory 769
Peyton, K.M. 276, 508–16, 547;
historical sea stories 370;
pony books 356, 362;
romantic realism 383–9
Phaedrus (journal) 122
Philadelphia Free Public Library 544

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