International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Welsh National Centre of Children’s Literature
Wertham, Frederick 254, 494
Wesley, Charles 189
West, Joyce 844
Westall, Robert 332, 390, 675;
on awards 507;
Gulf 132;
historical fiction 370;
The Scarecrow 387
Westerman, Percy F.C. 330
westerns 255–61;
appeal to all ages 421
Westin, Boel 23
Westward Ho! (Kingsley) 325
Wetherell, Elizabeth (Susan Warner) 339
Wettasinghe, Sybil 809
Whalley, J.I. 124
What Katy Did (Coolidge) 341
Wheatley, Nadia 560
Wheeler, Edward L. 257
Wheeler-Nicholson, Major Malcolm 252–7
Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak) 4, 565–6,
White, Dorothy Neal 375
White, E.B.:
animal stories 288;
Charlotte’s Web 93, 288, 295, 473, 867;
on writing 556–4;
on writing up to children 18
White, T.H. 318;
The Once and Future King 305
White Fang (London) 285–9
Whitehead, F. 75
Wickramasinghe, Martin 809
Wiesner, David 395
Wiggins, Kate Douglas:
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 340, 866
Wild Wood (Needle) 46, 285
Wilde, Oscar 411
Wilder, Laura Ingalls 342, 366, 472, 544, 545,
Wildsmith, Brian 229, 236, 460, 677
Willard, Barbara 276, 369
Williams, Gurney 20–4
Williams, Raymond 33–6, 33
Williamson, Henry:
Tarka the Otter 286, 417
Wilmink, Willem 705

Wilson, Roy 244, 246
Wilson, William Carus 270
Wimsatt, W.K. 70
The Wind Blew (Hutchins) 650
The Wind in the Willows (Grahame) 212, 284–8;
characters 44–7;
liberal humanist criticism 45–8
Winner, Septimus 174
Winnicott, Donald W. 89, 91–6
Winterbottom, Mrs Ann Sophia 255
Wiseman, D. 74
Wister, Owen:
The Virginian 421
The Witches (Dahl) 498;
film adaptation 527, 528
Wizard of Oz (Baum) 471
The Wizard of Oz (Baum):
film adapatation 526
The Wizard of Oz series (Baum) 523, 865
Wodehouse, P.G. 412
Wolde, Gunilla 698
Wolfe, Gary K. 299–4
Wölfel, Ursula 734
Wollstonecraft, Mary 100, 143–9, 407–13
The Wood Beyond the World (Morris) 303–7
Woodard, Gloria 24–8
Wordsworth, Dorothy 193
Wordsworth, William 191–5
Wright, Elizabeth 91, 92
Wright, Kit 200
Wrightson, Patricia 541, 835–8
The Writers and Readers Publishing
Cooperative 41–4
Written for Children (Townsend) xiii–2
Wyndham, John 318
Wyss, Johann:
Swiss Family Robinson 322–7, 422, 740

Xenopoulos, Gregorios 753

Yale University 122
Yamakan, Hisashi 828–40
Ye Shengtao 821–4
Yeats, W.B. 686
Yonge, Charlotte M. 272, 416, 672;
family stories 335;
school stories 346–50
Yugoslavia (former) 444, 766–7
Yun Sok-chung 817


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