Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

8 .MP^3216 P.

Oxy. 1362

Callimachus,Aitia P.Oxy. XI preface: ‘‘the lyric
pieces.’’ Grenfell and Hunt seem to
include this among those pieces,
because they do not refer to ele
giacs as a separate category.
9 .MP^3218 P.
Oxy. 1363

Callimachus,Iambi P.Oxy. XI preface: ‘‘the
lyric pieces.’’ Grenfell and Hunt
seem to include this among those
pieces, because they do not refer to
the iambics as a separate category.
10 .MP^3237 P.
Oxy. 1082

Cercidas,Meliambi P.Oxy. VIII preface, andad P.Oxy.
11 .MP^3256 P.
Oxy. 1810

1 3,Phil.1,De Pace

P.Oxy. XV preface

12 .MP^3357 P.
Oxy. 1610

Ephorus Book 12 (or 11) P.Oxy. XIII preface, and
introductions toP.Oxy. 1610 and
13 .MP^3473 P.
Oxy. 1092

Herodotus Book 2 P.Oxy. VIII preface

14 .MP^3474 P.
Oxy. 1619

Herodotus Book 3 P.Oxy. XIII preface, and
introduction toP.Oxy. 1619
15 .MP^3525 P.
Oxy. 1359

Hesiod,Catalogue of

P.Oxy. XI preface

16 .MP^31237 P.
Oxy. 1790þ

Ibycus P.Oxy. XV preface

17 .MP^31363 P.

Oxy. 1792þ
2442 frgs. 32

Pindar,Paeansand perhaps
other works

P.Oxy. XV preface

18 .MP^31367 P.

Oxy. 1604^1

Pindar,Dithyrambs Introduction toP.Oxy. 1604^2

19 .MP^31368 P.
Oxy. 2445, frgs.
2 32

Pindar,Dithyrambs? and
perhaps other works

Introduction toP.Oxy. 2445: frag
ments found together with those of
P.Oxy. 1604 (Pindar); frg. 1 prob
ably came from the
ms. represented byP.Oxy. 1604
20 .MP^31360 P.
Oxy. 2442

Pindar,Hymns, Paeans,
and perhaps other works

Introduction toP.Oxy. 2442:
found commingled with the frag
ments ofP.Oxy. 1787 (Sappho)
21 .MP^31421 P.
Oxy. 1808

Plato,RepublicBook 8 P.Oxy. XV preface

22 .MP^31445 P.
Oxy. 1231þ

Sappho Book 1 P.Oxy. X preface

23 .MP^31449 P.

Oxy. 1787þ
Halle 2

Sappho Book 4? P.Oxy. XV preface

24 .MP^31456 P.

Oxy. 1176

Satyrus,Life of Euripides Introduction toP.Oxy. 1619.

25 .MP^31472 P.
Oxy. 1175þ
2081 (b)

Sophocles,Eurypylus Introduction toP.Oxy. 1619. Cf.
the introduction toP.Oxy. 1174:
these fragments were found close
to those of theIchneutae.

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