Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Note: boldface page numbers indicate
major treatment of a topic.

abandonment I:1–3
Antigone III:1001
Bean Trees II:656–657
Black Elk Speaks I:213
Ceremony III:988–989
Glass Menagerie III:1156
God of Small Things III:911–912
Great Expectations I:338, 340
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Joy Luck Club III:1050–1051
Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistf ight in
Heaven I:141–142
Love Medicine I:411–412
Medea I:418–419
Member of the Wedding II:746–747
Oliver Twist I:341
parenthood I:80–81
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:881
War and Peace III:1071
Abbey, Edward I:75
Abbey Theatre III:1187
Abbot, Pamela I:101
abolitionism III:1038–1039
Absalom! Absalom! (Faulkner) I:108
absurdism I:247, 248
Animal Farm III:851
David Copperf ield I:336
Hound of the Baskervilles I:366
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Light in August II:428
The Metamorphosis II:636

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest II:649
Painted Bird II:679
Achebe, Chinua I:123–130
ambition I:7
Anthills of the Savannah I:123–126
individual and society I:59–60
race I:85
Things Fall Apart I:126–130
Adam and Eve II:770–774; III:842
Adams, Henry I:130–133
Adams, John Quincy I:130–132
adaptation II:718, 721
addiction III:847–849
Adonais (Shelley) III:982–983
Adventures of Augie March, The (Bellow)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
coming of age I:13–14
justice I:66
rejection I:90
science and technology I:97
sex and sexuality I:100
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Twain)
Aeneid, The (Virgil) III:1099–1103
death I:24
fate I:33–34
memory I:69
tradition I:115–116
Aeschylus I:83
Africa III:819–823
African Americans
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
American dream, the I:9–10
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

Beloved II:792–796
Black Boy III:1180
Bluest Eye II:796–799
Brown Girl, Brownstones II:736–739
Cane III:1074–1077
“Civil Disobedience” III:1057
Color Purple III:1113–1116
coming of age I:13
Dutchman II:625–628
Fences III:1160–1163
Go Tell It on the Mountain I:196–198
Handmaid ’s Tale I:178
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Invisible Man I:390–393
Lesson before Dying II:470–473
Mumbo Jumbo III:900
Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass I:361–365
Native Son III:1183–1187
Notes on the State of Virginia II:622–624
oppression I:78
race I:85
Salt Eaters I:200–202
Song of Solomon II:799–803
Souls of Black Folk I:376–380
success I:109
Sula II:803–806
Tar Baby II:806–809
Up from Slavery III:1116–1119
Women of Brewster Place III:829
African literature
Anthills of the Savannah I:123–126
Heart of Darkness I:299–301
Things Fall Apart I:126–130
Waiting for the Barbarians I:291–294


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