Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1195

To Kill a Mockingbird II:701–702
To the Lighthouse III:1176
My Ántonia I:265–266
Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass I:361
Oliver Twist I:341–342
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Our Town III:1148
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
rejection I:89–90
Remembrance of Things Past III:891
“Rose for Emily, A” II:430
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Things They Carried III:834
Up from Slavery III:1117
War and Peace III:1072
Wide Sargasso Sea III:901, 903
Wise Blood III:843
Women of Brewster Place III:827
“Chimney Sweeper, The” (Blake) I:61
Chinese Americans II:663–666
chivalry I:24, 68
Bell Jar III:871–872
Cat’s Cradle III:1109
Robert Frost II:463–464
Giver II:723
House of Mirth III:1129
Iceman Cometh III:845
Joy Luck Club III:1052
Lord of the Rings III:1067–1068
Chopin, Kate I:37, 281–284
Chosen, The (Potok) I:31; III:887–890
Christ figure
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:755–756
Beowulf I:165, 166
Grapes of Wrath III:1015
Heart of the Matter II:503
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Red Badge of Courage I:311
Tin Drum II:500
Wise Blood III:841
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Age of Reason III:856–860
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:755–756
Beowulf I:165
Confessions of St. Augustine I:182–185
The Crucible II:764
“Divinity School Address” I:397–399

“Good Man Is Hard to Find”
Grapes of Wrath III:1014
Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano I:407
Little Women I:139
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1055
Merchant of Venice III:946–948
Moby-Dick II:762
Notes on the State of Virginia II:624
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit III:1163
Paradise Lost II:771–772
Of Plymouth Plantation I:226, 227
Poisonwood Bible II:660–662
sex and sexuality I:98
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
spirituality I:103
The Tempest III:968
Uncle Tom’s Cabin III:1038–1039
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Wise Blood III:841–843
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens) I:20, 56,
Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis) II:707, 708,
Cicero I:58
“Circus Animals’ Desertion, The” (Yeats)
III:1188, 1190
Cisneros, Sandra I:284–291
“Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau)
Civil Rights movement I:201–202;
Civil War I:209–212, 308–311; III:1134
clans I:164
Clark, Ann I:98
class conflict II:696
“Clerk’s Tale, The” (Chaucer) I:273, 274
Clift, Montgomery I:369
Coetzee, J. M. I:291–294
cold war I:102, 155; III:1093
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor I:294–297;
III:1177, 1189
collectivism III:895, 896
Bend in the River III:819–822
Cry, the Beloved Country III:866
God of Small Things III:912–913
Heart of Darkness I:298
Kim II:672
Out of Africa I:352–354
Passage to India II:448–451
Poisonwood Bible II:662
The Tempest III:967, 968
Wide Sargasso Sea III:901–902

Color Purple, The (Walker) I:63–64, 77;
Frogs I:167–171
Importance of Being Earnest
Merchant of Venice III:945–948
Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Misanthrope II:778
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Playboy of the Western World
Seagull I:275, 277
Tartuffe II:781–785
Twelfth Night III:970–973
coming of age I:12–15
Adventures of Augie March I:206
All the Pretty Horses II:739–740
Annie John II:650–651
“A&P” III:1093–1094
Awakening I:282–283
Bell Jar III:870
Bless Me, Ultima I:154–155
Brown Girl, Brownstones II:736–737
Catcher in the Rye III:919
The Chosen III:888
Emma I:185–187
Robert Frost II:464
Henry IV III:928–929
The Hobbit III:1064–1065
House on Mango Street I:287
Kim II:671, 672
Member of the Wedding II:747–748
My Ántonia I:265
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Red Badge of Courage I:308–309
Red Pony III:1022–1023
Separate Peace II:674–675
Treasure Island III:1029–1030
Tree Grows in Brooklyn III:994
Winesburg, Ohio I:158
“Coming Thro’ the Rye” (Burns) III:918,
“A&P” III:1094–1095
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:753–754
Bingo Palace I:408–409
Brave New World II:585–586
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s
Court III:1089–1090
God of Small Things III:912–913
Grapes of Wrath III:1012–1013
The Hobbit III:1065–1066
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