Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1200 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

Love Medicine I:412
Macbeth III:942
Main Street II:711–713
Martian Chronicles I:224, 225
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1054
The Metamorphosis II:637–638
Night III:1137
Odyssey II:572–573
Optimist’s Daughter III:1120–1121
Our Town III:1147, 1149
The Pearl III:1018
Poisonwood Bible II:661–662
Raisin in the Sun II:509–510
Red Pony III:1022–1024
Romeo and Juliet III:961
Slaughterhouse-Five III:1110
Souls of Black Folk I:377
Sula II:805
Tartuffe II:782–783
Things Fall Apart I:126
Tracks I:415–416
Uncle Tom’s Cabin III:1036
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Winesburg, Ohio I:158–159
William Butler Yeats III:1189
fantasy I:257–261; III:1063–1070
Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway)
Farewell to Manzanar (Houston)
“Fascination of What’s Difficult, The”
(Yeats) III:1187–1190
fate I:33–35
Adventures of Augie March I:206–
All the Pretty Horses II:740–741
American Tragedy, An I:371–373
Bend in the River III:819–820
Bingo Palace I:409–410
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof III:1152
Dutchman II:627
Fine Balance II:775
Giver II:723
Going after Cacciato III:831
Hound of the Baskervilles I:366–367
House for Mr. Biswas III:824
Iceman Cometh III:844
The Iliad II:569–570
Importance of Being Earnest
The Jungle III:993
Lord Jim I:302–303
Lord of the Rings III:1067–1068
Macbeth III:943–944
Madame Bovary II:445–446
Of Mice and Men III:1018

Midnight’s Children III:917
Oedipus Rex III:1005
Oliver Twist I:343
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave I:204
“Outcasts of Poker Flat” II:521–522
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner” I:296
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God” I:381–382
Sister Carrie I:373
Slaughterhouse-Five III:1110
Tale of Two Cities I:345–346
Twelfth Night III:971–972
Winesburg, Ohio I:158
Fathers and Sons (Turgenev)
Faulkner, William II:423–435
identity I:54–55
As I Lay Dying II:423–425
Light in August II:425–429
“Rose for Emily, A” II:429–431
social class I:101–102
Sound and the Fury II:431–435
success I:108
Black Boy III:1183
Going after Cacciato III:832, 833
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1055
Native Son III:1186
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:854, 856
War and Peace III:1071
“Feathers from a Thousand Li Away”
(Tan) III:1052
Fellowship of the Ring, The (Tolkien)
III:1067, 1068, 1070
gender I:40
oppression I:78
Surfacing I:178
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Yellow Wallpaper II:484
Fences (Wilson) III:1160–1163
feudalism I:101, 238, 239
Fiedler, Leslie I:14, 15, 100
Fielding, Henry II:435–438
Fifth Business (Davies) I:45, 314–318
Fine Balance, A (Mistry) II:774–778
fire and brimstone I:381, 382
“Fire Sermon, The” (Eliot) I:387–389
Fitzgerald, F. Scott II:438–445
alienation I:4
ambition I:7
American dream, the I:8–9

Great Gatsby II:438–442
identity I:54
success I:109
Tender Is the Night II:442–445
Flaubert, Gustave I:59; II:445–448
“Flight” (Wright) III:1186
folklore I:1
Beowulf I:163
The Pearl III:1018
stages of life I:105
Woman Hollering Creek and Other
Stories I:291
William Butler Yeats III:1187
forgiveness III:835
Forster, E. M. II:448–455
42nd Parallel, The (Dos Passos) I:355,
Foucault, Michel I:99
fragmentation I:388–390
frame narrative I:294, 296
France III:893, 931–933
Frank, Anne I:77, 118; II:455–458
Frankenstein (Shelley) III:977–981
abandonment I:2–3
death I:25
ethics I:29
parenthood I:80
pride I:83
responsibility I:95
science and technology I:96
Franklin, Benjamin I:8; II:459–462
Franklin, William II:459, 460
“Franklin’s Tale, The” (Chaucer) I:273
fraternal love I:67
freedom I:35–38
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1086
“American Scholar” I:393
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Anthem III:896, 897
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Beloved II:794–795
Call of the Wild II:715–716
Candide III:1103
Cane III:1075
In Cold Blood I:254–255
Common Sense III:861–863
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s
Court III:1090
Daisy Miller II:611–612
“Goophered Grapevine” I:279–280
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter II:745
Langston Hughes II:579–581
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