Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1208 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien) I:67;
III:1063, 1067–1070
“Lottery, The” ( Jackson) I:110;
Louisiana II:470–473
love I:67–69
Adventures of Augie March I:206–208
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1087
Age of Innocence III:1124–1125
All the Pretty Horses II:739–740
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Beggar’s Opera II:483–484
Beloved II:793, 795
“Birth-mark” II:524–525
Bluest Eye II:796–797
Brown Girl, Brownstones II:738, 739
Christmas Carol I:331
Color Purple III:1115
Confessions of St. Augustine I:183–184
Divine Comedy I:311–313
Fathers and Sons III:1078, 1079, 1082
Giver II:722
Glass Menagerie III:1156
Go Tell It on the Mountain I:198, 199
Grapes of Wrath III:1014
Great Gatsby II:440
Hamlet III:925–927
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter II:743–744
Heart of the Matter II:502
House of Mirth III:1129
individual and society I:59
Jane Eyre I:231–232
Jude the Obscure II:512–513
John Keats II:641–642
King Lear III:940, 941
Lolita III:816–817
Long Day’s Journey into Night III:847
Madame Bovary II:447–448
Martian Chronicles I:222–224
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1054, 1056
Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Misanthrope II:780, 781
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:856
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Othello III:958
Paradise Lost II:772–773
Picture of Dorian Gray III:1146
Pride and Prejudice I:190–192
Pygmalion III:974
Remembrance of Things Past
Romeo and Juliet III:960–963
Room with a View II:452, 453
Salt Eaters I:200

Seagull I:276–277
Sense and Sensibility I:195–196
Percy Bysshe Shelley III:981
Song of Solomon II:799
Sound and the Fury II:433–434
Tale of Two Cities I:348
Tar Baby II:806–807
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:881
Tender Is the Night II:444–445
Tom Jones II:437
Turn of the Screw II:621
Twelfth Night III:970, 972
Unbearable Lightness of Being
War and Peace III:1070–1071
Women in Love II:695
Wuthering Heights I:233–235
William Butler Yeats III:1187–1189
Love Medicine (Erdrich) I:3, 90, 411–414
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The”
(Eliot) I:3–4, 20, 107, 384–387
Lowry, Lois II:721–724
loyalty III:1124
“Luck of Roaring Camp, The” (Harte)
Lucky Jim (Amis) I:150–154
Lucretius I:5
Lugosi, Bela III:1032
Lukács, Georg I:304
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth and
Coleridge) III:1178
Lysistrata (Aristophanes) I:99, 171–175
Macbeth (Shakespeare) III:942–945
ambition I:6–7
fate I:34
futility I:38–39
parenthood I:79
regret I:87
The Tempest III:969
Machiavelli, Niccolò I:26; II:724–728
Madame Bovary (Flaubert) I:59;
Made in America (Decker) I:108–109
Maggie (Crane) I:102
magic II:474, 476
magical realism I:55; II:688
Magician’s Nephew, The (Lewis) II:708
Main Street (Lewis) II:711–715
Malamud, Bernard II:728–732
Malcolm X II:504–508
male bonding II:712
Man Booker Prize
Chinua Achebe I:123
V. S. Naipaul III:818
Arundhati Roy III:911

“Man I Killed, The” (O’Brien) III:835
manipulation II:813
“Man of Law’s Tale, The” (Chaucer)
I:272, 274
“Man Thinking” I:393–397
Marcuse, Herbert I:118
Marger, Martin N. I:76
“Marlboro Man” (Cisneros) I:288
Marlowe, Christopher II:732–735
death I:24
futility I:38
pride I:83
religion I:91
science and technology I:96
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Awakening I:282, 284
Beggar’s Opera II:481–484
Dream of the Red Chamber I:251,
Dubliners II:629
Fences III:1162–1163
Golden Notebook II:705
Hamlet III:926
House for Mr. Biswas III:825
House of Mirth III:1130
Importance of Being Earnest III:1141,
Joy Luck Club III:1051
love I:67
Madame Bovary II:445–448
Main Street II:712
Moll Flanders I:322–324
Othello III:958
Paradise Lost II:772
Pride and Prejudice I:190
Pygmalion III:975–976
Romeo and Juliet III:961
Sense and Sensibility I:193, 194
Taming of the Shrew III:963–966
Tartuffe II:781, 782
Tender Is the Night II:442–445
Twelfth Night III:972
War and Peace III:1071, 1073–1075
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
marriage of convenience II:477–478
Marshall, Paule II:735–739
martial arts II:667
Martian Chronicles, The (Bradbury)
Iceman Cometh III:844
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:854
religion I:92
Uncle Tom’s Cabin III:1038–1039
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