Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1214 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

passion III:1102–1103, 1124, 1125
Paton, Alan III:864–867
Dracula III:1035
Lesson before Dying II:472
Medea I:420
Midsummer Night’s Dream III:953
oppression I:78
Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave I:203
Poisonwood Bible II:661–662
Sound and the Fury II:434
Tartuffe II:782
Trifles II:489, 490
Wide Sargasso Sea III:901, 902
Wuthering Heights I:234
Yellow Wallpaper II:487
patricide III:1002, 1047–1049
patriotism I:72
Paul, Saint II:771
Pearl, The (Steinbeck) III:1018–1022
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, The (Friere)
pedophilia III:815–818
PEN Award I:148
Perestroika (Kushner) II:688–691
persecution I:228, 242
pessimism III:1104
Peter, St. II:756; III:842, 843
Petrarchism III:962–963
Phillips, Wendell I:361
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde) I:68;
piety II:784–785; III:910
Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan) I:239–
243; III:1085
Pirandello, Luigi III:867–869
Place in the Sun, A (film) I:369
Plath, Sylvia I:57; III:869–873
ambition I:6
education I:26
family I:31
individual and society I:58
tradition I:115
platonic love I:68
Platonism I:184
Playboy of the Western World, The (Synge)
Angels in America II:688–691
Antigone III:1001–1004
Beggar’s Opera II:481–484
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof III:1151–1154
The Crucible II:763–767
Death of a Salesman II:767–770
Doctor Faustus II:732–735
Dutchman II:625–628

Fences III:1160–1163
Frogs I:167–171
Glass Menagerie III:1154–1157
Hamlet III:921–927
Henry IV III:927–931
Henry V III:931–934
Iceman Cometh III:843–846
Importance of Being Earnest
Inherit the Wind II:698–701
Julius Caesar III:934–938
King Lear III:938–942
Long Day’s Journey into Night
Lysistrata I:171–175
Macbeth III:942–945
Medea I:418–421
Merchant of Venice III:945–948
Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Misanthrope II:778–781
Much Ado about Nothing III:953–956
Oedipus Rex III:1004–1008
Othello III:956–959
Our Town III:1147–1151
Playboy of the Western World
Pygmalion III:973–977
Romeo and Juliet III:959–963
Seagull I:275–278
Six Characters in Search of an Author
Streetcar Named Desire III:1157–1160
Taming of the Shrew III:963–966
Tartuffe II:781–785
The Tempest III:966–970
Trifles II:487–491
Twelfth Night III:970–973
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Plots of Enlightenment (Barney) I:27
Poe, Edgar Allan III:873–883
“Fall of the House of Usher”
Main Street II:711–712
“Murders in the Rue Morgue”
parenthood I:80
stages of life I:106
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:880–883
Poetics (Aristotle) I:23, 24; III:1006
Aeneid III:1099–1103
alienation I:3
Beowulf I:163–167
community I:20
Emily Dickinson I:348–351

Divine Comedy I:311–314
Don Juan I:243–246
Robert Frost II:462–465
grief I:43
hope I:50
Langston Hughes II:578–582
innocence and experience I:60–61
John Keats II:640–642
Leaves of Grass III:1133–1136
“Lines Composed a Few Miles above
Tintern Abbey” III:1177
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1052–1056
memory I:70
“My Last Duchess” I:235–239
nationalism I:72–73
oppression I:78
Paradise Lost II:770–774
pride I:82
Rape of the Lock III:883–887
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the”
Percy Bysshe Shelley III:981–984
Songs of Innocence and of Experience
spirituality I:105
survival I:113–114
tradition I:115
Waste Land I:387–390
William Butler Yeats III:1187–1190
Poisonwood Bible, The (Kingsolver) I:32;
Polite, Craig K. I:109
Polster, Miriam F. I:48
pop culture III:815
Pope, Alexander I:50; II:624; III:883–
887, 1103
populism III:994
Portrait of a Lady, The ( James)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A
( Joyce) I:7, 19, 62; II:633–636
postmodernism I:55, 114
Potok, Chaim I:31; III:887–890
Potter, Beatrix I:64
American Tragedy, An I:371
Christmas Carol I:332–334
Fine Balance II:776, 777
Go Tell It on the Mountain I:197
Grapes of Wrath III:1012–1015
Life in the Iron Mills I:318
Little Women I:138
Modest Proposal III:1042–1043
“Murders in the Rue Morgue” III:877
Oliver Twist I:342–344
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