Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1217

Tin Drum II:499–500
Tom Jones II:437
Tracks I:417–418
Uncle Tom’s Cabin III:1037–1039
Wise Blood III:840–842
Woman Hollering Creek and Other
Stories I:291
Women in Love II:697
“Young Goodman Brown” II:540–541
Remains of the Day, The (Ishiguro)
“Remember the Alamo” (Cisneros) I:290
Remembrance of Things Past (Proust) I:70;
remorse I:87
death I:24
education I:26
Hamlet III:926
Henry V III:931
illness I:56
Midsummer Night’s Dream III:949
religion I:91
Romeo and Juliet III:960–963
The Tempest III:968
Twelfth Night III:970–973
Republic, The (Plato) I:26, 115
reputation III:1026
resentment II:637–639, 765
resistance III:1057, 1058
“Resistance to Civil Government”
(Thoreau) III:1057–1059
responsibility I:93–95
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1086
Aeneid III:1102–1103
American Tragedy, An I:372
Animal Farm III:851
Antigone III:1002
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Black Boy III:1183
Cat’s Cradle III:1107–1109
“Civil Disobedience” III:1059–1060
Common Sense III:862
Daisy Miller II:612–613
Fathers and Sons III:1078
Fifth Business I:316–317
Frankenstein III:979–980
Glass Menagerie III:1156–1157
God of Small Things III:912
Henry V III:932–933
The Hobbit III:1064
innocence and experience I:61
King Lear III:939–941
Lesson before Dying II:471
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe II:709
Lolita III:816

Macbeth III:944
The Metamorphosis II:637, 639
Oedipus Rex III:1004, 1005
O Pioneers! I:269–270
Our Town III:1147–1149
Out of Africa I:353–354
Prince II:727–728
Red Pony III:1023
regret I:86
Romeo and Juliet III:960
Tom Jones II:436
Treasure Island III:1029
Yellow Wallpaper II:486
Responsibility and Atonement (Swinburne)
Responsibility in Modern Religious Ethics
( Jonsen) I:94
Responsibility Matters (French) I:94
rest cure II:484, 487
Restoration literature I:202, 204
retributive justice I:65; III:1005
Return of the King, The (Tolkien)
III:1067, 1069, 1070
Beowulf I:164, 167
cruelty I:22
Frankenstein III:979
Hamlet III:922, 924–925
Moby-Dick II:763
Sound and the Fury II:432
Tale of Two Cities I:345, 347–348
Rhys, Jean III:901–904
Richardson, Samuel I:80
Ricketts, Ed III:1020
“Rights and Duties of the Individual
in Relation to Government, The”
(Thoreau) III:1057–1059
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the”
(Coleridge) I:294–297
Rinehart-Iowa Fiction Award III:840
riots II:497
rituals I:213–216; II:605–607, 694
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe) I:59, 80,
Roman Empire III:934–938, 1101, 1102
Romans (biblical book) I:382
romantic comedy III:970–973
identity I:54
memory I:70
Percy Bysshe Shelley III:981
survival I:113
romantic love
Age of Innocence III:1124
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
love I:68

Room with a View II:452, 453
The Tempest III:966–970
War and Peace III:1071
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
fate I:34–35
love I:68
Othello III:956, 957
parenthood I:79
“Room of One’s Own, A” (Woolf )
Room with a View, A (Forster) II:452–455
Roosevelt, Eleanor III:1012
Roosevelt, Franklin D. III:1017
“Rose for Emily, A” (Faulkner)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
(Stoppard) I:51
Roth, Philip III:904–907
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
alienation I:4
Common Sense III:862
education I:26
individual and society I:58
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Rowlandson, Mary III:907–911
Roy, Arundhati III:911–914
running II:788–789
Rushdie, Salman III:914–918
nationalism I:73
religion I:92
tradition I:116
Russia III:1070–1074, 1077–1082
Ruth, Babe II:729, 731

Sacks, Oliver I:56
Antigone III:1002
Beloved II:794
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Mrs Dalloway III:1172
Othello III:957
“Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers”
(Dickinson) I:349
“Sailing to Byzantium” (Yeats) III:1188
“Saint Marie” (Erdrich) I:414
Salinger, J. D. I:39, 54, 106; III:918–921
Salt Eaters, The (Bambara) I:200–202
“Salut au Monde” (Whitman) III:1134,
“Salvador Late or Early” (Cisneros) I:290
Sapsford, Roger I:101
Sartre, Jean-Paul I:2, 37, 59
Satan II:773, 774
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