Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

poems Hughes, Langston
poems Keats, John
poems Shelley, Percy Bysshe
poems Yeats, William Butler
Poisonwood Bible, The Kingsolver, Barbara
Portrait of a Lady, The James, Henry
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A Joyce, James
Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane
Prince, The Machiavelli, Niccolò
Pygmalion Shaw, George Bernard
Rabbit, Run Updike, John
Rainbow, The Lawrence, D. H.
Raisin in the Sun, A Hansberry, Lorraine
Rape of the Lock, The Pope, Alexander
“Rappaccini’s Daughter” Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Red Badge of Courage, The Crane, Stephen
Red Pony, The Steinbeck, John
Remains of the Day, The Ishiguro, Kazuo
Remembrance of Things Past Proust, Marcel
“Resistance to Civil Government” Thoreau, Henry David
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel
Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare, William
Room with a View, A Forster, E. M.
“Rose for Emily, A” Faulkner, William
Salt Eaters, The Bambara, Toni Cade
Scarlet Letter, The Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Seagull, The Chekhov, Anton
“Self-Reliance” Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Sense and Sensibility Austen, Jane
Separate Peace, A Knowles, John
Siddhartha Hesse, Herman
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Edwards, Jonathan
Sister Carrie Dreiser, Theodore
Six Characters in Search of an Author Pirandello, Luigi
Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, The Irving, Washington
Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Kurt
Small Place, A Kincaid, Jamaica
Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni
Songs of Innocence and of Experience Blake, William
Souls of Black Folk, The DuBois, W. E. B.
Sound and the Fury, The Faulkner, William
Steppenwolf Hesse, Herman
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stranger, The Camus, Albert
Streetcar Named Desire, A Williams, Tennessee
Sula Morrison, Toni
Sun Also Rises, The Hemingway, Ernest

xxii Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

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