Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Metamorphosis 639

about a year. While Gregor is relieved to learn that
his family will not starve, he is also hurt to learn
that his father had the means to make Gregor’s life
easier and chose not to do so. Gregor’s transforma-
tion allows him to learn more about his family, thus
freeing him from the burden of caring for them.
Gregor dies peacefully. His transmuted state allows
him to finally escape from familial and financial
Gregor finds freedom through a physical change
that allows him to become a stronger individual. In
finding his personal strength, Gregor also discovers
a great deal about his family, including that they
are capable of providing financially for themselves.
Gregor’s transformation allows him freedom from
working as an indentured servant to his family’s debt
and needs. Although his transmutation keeps him a
prisoner in his room, he has obtained a new kind of
freedom where he is finally allowed time for himself.
In The Metamorphosis, freedom transforms Gregor
from workaholic in debt to his family’s financial
needs into a being that has time for contemplation
and relaxation. Kafka’s story is a critique on family
responsibility and the individual cost that must be
paid in order to keep the family unit going.
Sumeeta Patnaik

SuFFerinG in The Metamorphosis
Gregor Samsa’s hideous transformation from a
human being to an insect is the action that opens
and closes The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
Gregor awakens from terrible nightmares to find
himself transformed, and this shocking transfor-
mation allows Samsa to alleviate his suffering and
escape from his humdrum existence. Prior to his
transformation, Gregor worked at a job that he
disliked in order to support his family financially.
Once he is transformed, Gregor’s family must take
on Gregor’s responsibility and provide an income
for the entire household. Freed from his financial
responsibility, Gregor’s suffering is relieved and he
learns a great deal about himself and his family.
Still, Gregor experiences a different kind of suffer-
ing through his transformation, and his death is the
catalyst for change in his family.
Awaking from his terrible dreams, Gregor’s first
thought is to carry on as normal. He tries to get

ready for work and does not allow his mother to
come into the room. Even after the head clerk comes
to find out why Gregor is late for work, Gregor
attempts to convince the head clerk that he is ready
to work, so he will not lose his job. Unfortunately,
once his situation becomes known, it becomes clear
that things will have to change. Having worked for
several years at a job that he dislikes, Gregor finds
his newly changed physique allows him the freedom
to sleep, daydream, and watch his family experience
the suffering that Gregor experienced in the work-
place. Despite his freedom, Gregor worries about his
family’s ability to provide financially for themselves.
He discovers, as his family does, that each member
of the Samsa family is capable of working. This
discovery changes the family’s view of each other
and of Gregor. Now that he is no longer financially
viable, Gregor is viewed as the cause of his family’s
Previously, Gregor bore the burden of the entire
family’s existence. As the family breadwinner,
Gregor was under enormous pressure to provide
for each of his family’s needs. Five years prior to
his transformation, Gregor’s father lost his busi-
ness and became an invalid. At that time, Gregor’s
mother was ill with asthma and his sister, Grete,
was too young to work. Therefore, Gregor took on
the role of providing financially for his family. In
spite of his love for his family, Gregor was miser-
able in his position and often fantasized about
finding ways out of work. Gregor’s transformation
provides him with that freedom at the expense
of his family’s needs. Ironically, Gregor’s family
experiences the same type of suffering at work that
Gregor experienced prior to his change. However,
instead of feeling sympathy for Gregor’s suffering,
his family comes to resent the burden of having to
care for Gregor. As a result, Gregor is subjected to
abuse from his family. He is isolated and his father
often threatens Gregor when he tries to interact
with the rest of the family. Even Gregor’s sister,
Grete, who initially cares for him, also comes to
resent this care and asks their father to help her rid
them of the monstrosity Gregor has become. Sadly,
Gregor comes to agree with his family’s sentiments
and decides to end his own life. Gregor’s death
allows him to find peace and allows his family
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