Research Guide to American Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
92 Contemporary Literature, 1970 to Present

Wesley Brown and Amy Ling, eds., Imagining America: Stories from the Promised
Land: A Multicultural Anthology of American Fiction (New York: Persea Books,
Revised and updated version of the 1991 edition that provides a basic introduc-
tion to multicultural American literature, in the form of short stories from writers
of various ethnic backgrounds linked by the immigrant experience.

Jules Chametzky, John Felstiner, Hilene Fanzbaum, and Kathryn Hellerstein, eds.,
Jewish American Literature: A Norton Anthology (New York: Norton, 2001).
Includes the section “Wandering and Return: Literature since 1973,” the intro-
duction to which provides an overview of the development of more-recent writ-
ing and discussion of thematic concerns.

Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan, eds., Unsettling America: An Anthol-
ogy of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry (New York: Penguin, 1994).
Divided into the sections “Uprooting,” “Performing,” “Naming,” “Negotiating,”
and “Re-envisioning.” This collection features up-and-coming and established
poets such as Lucille Clifton, Rita Dove, Louise Erdrich, Lawrence Ferlinghetti,
and Gary Soto.

Pauline Kaldas and Khaled Mattawa, eds., Dinarzad ’s Children: An Anthology of
Contemporary Arab American Fiction (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas
Press, 2004).
Short fiction by nineteen American authors of Egyptian, Lebanese, Libyan, Pal-
estinian, and Syrian descent. Themes addressed include immigration, alienation,
and assimilation.

Nicholás Kanellos, ed., En otra voz: Antología de literatura hispana de los Estados
Unidos (Houston: Arte Público Press, 2002).
Spanish-language anthology tracing the history of Hispanic writing in the United
States from the colonial times to the present. The book is divided chronologically
into three sections, each addressing a different aspect of the U.S. Hispanic expe-
rience, from those born in the country, those who have immigrated, and those
living in exile.

Kanellos, ed., Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002).
Comprehensive anthology of writing from colonial times to the present that
underscores the diversity of Hispanic literature in the United States through
its representation of Chicano, Nuyorican, Cuban American, and Latino writ-
ings. The book is organized chronologically, and each section is also divided
by content to underscore cultural, historical, and political issues influencing

Elaine H. Kim, Lilia V. Villanueva, and Asian Women United of California,
Making More Waves: New Writing by Asian American Women (Boston: Beacon,
Comprehensive anthology of fiction, poetry, and essays by writers of Asian
descent that updates and expands Making Waves.

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