0 Contemporary Literature, 1970 to Present
British East India Company, 259
Broadway, 6, 36, 40, 44, 51, 159, 255, 270,
324, 348
Broadway Bound, 6, 48
Broderbund, 303
Broer, Lawrence R., 337
“Brokeback Mountain,” 52, 307, 309
Broken Cord: A Family’s Ongoing Struggle
with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, The, 115,
Bronx High School of Science (NYC),
Bronze Star, 33, 146–147, 149
Brook, Peter, 324
Brooklyn Boy, 47
Brooklyn Follies, The, 137
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 60, 119
Broom of the System, The, 138
Brother, I’m Dying, 61
Brothers and Keepers, 25, 35
Brothers and Sisters, 26, 33
Brown, Claude, 283
Brown, Dee, 104
Brown, Rita Mae, 5, 14, 60
Brown, Tony, 344
Brown Girl, Brownstones, 24, 33, 64
Brown, James Willie, Jr. (Komunyakaa,
Yusef ), 6, 13, 25, 33, 119, 141, 147
Brownsville Raid, The, 45
Brown University, 63
Bruce, Lenny, 199
Bruchac, Joseph, 153
Bryant, Dorothy, 60
Bryn Mawr, 314
Buddhism, 248
Bug, 46
Builds-the-Fire, Thomas (character), 154
Bumppo, Natty (character), 243
“Bunchgrass Edge of the World, The,”
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 224
Buried Child, 324
Burk, Maryann, 174
Burning House, The, 5
Burn This, 49
Burst of Light, A, 33, 64, 126
Burton-Rose, Daniel, 170
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, 104
Bush, George H. W., 10
Bush, George W., 11, 207
Butler, Octavia, 27, 70, 168–173, 371
Butler, Robert Olen, 141, 146
By the North Gate, 289
Cables of Genocide: Poems on Love and
Hunger, 60
Cables to Rage, 33, 64, 126
Caliban in Blue, 140, 147
California, 60, 148, 206, 324, 345
Berkeley, 181, 248
Duarte, 323
Lakewood, 207
Los Angeles, 27, 165, 169, 207
Oakland, 248
Pasadena, 168, 323
Sacramento, 205
San Francisco, 14, 159, 255, 324
Santa Barbara, 164
Stockton, 247
Topanga Canyon, 165
Vallejo, 231
California State University, Los Angeles,
Call Me Ishmael Tonight: A Book of
Ghazals, 124
Calvino, Italo, 17
Cambodia, 8
Cambridge Companion to John Updike, The,
“Camel,” 270
Campbell, Bebe Moore, 26
Camp David Accords, 8
Canada, 226
“Canary in Bloom,” 220
Cancer Journals, The, 33, 64, 126
Cannes Film Festival, 323
Cannibal Galaxy, The, 65
“Can the Subaltern Speak?,” 67
Cao, Lan, 13, 141, 146
cap-and-trade, 12
capitalism, 10
Capote, Truman, 7, 372
Caputo, Phil, 140
Caramelo, or Puro Cuento, 187
Cardenio, 47
“Care and Feeding,” 192
Caribbean, 17, 24, 33, 242
Carnegie Hall, 211
carnivalesque, 369