Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Tags: social oppression, marriage

Hedda Gabler by
Henrik Ibsen,
published 1890

Genre: play

Setting: Norway, 19th century

Main characters: Hedda Gabler, Jørgen Tesman, Miss Juliane Tesman, Mrs.
Thea Elvsted

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: Newly married Hedda does not love her husband
and her new life with him bores her. Her husband’s old rival reappears and
threatens their economic security.

Tags: feminism, self determination, jealousy, suicide, dissatisfaction with

Obasan by Joy
Kogawa, published

Genre: novel (historical)

Setting: 1972 and World War II, Canada

Main characters: Naomi Nakane, Obasan, Aunt Emily, Stephen

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: Naomi struggles to reconcile herself with her
painful past.

Tags: Japanese Canadian relocation, World War II, clash of cultures

Portrait of a Lady
by Henry James,
serialized 1880-
81, published as a
book in 1881

Genre: novel

Setting: Europe (England and Italy, primarily)

Main characters: Isabel Archer, Gilbert Osmond, Pansy

Main Plot/Idea/Concept Isabel Archer inherits a fortune, but must fight to
control her own destiny.

Tags: old vs. new world, personal freedom, betrayal

A Raisin in the Sun
by Lorraine
published 1950

Genre: play

Setting: Chicago

Main characters: Walter and Beneatha Younger, their mother, and Walter’s
wife, Ruth

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: A family has different views on how to spend an
insurance settlement. They also fight against racial prejudice.
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