Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pride and
Prejudice by Jane
Austen, published

Genre: novel

Setting: Hertfordshire, England, turn of the century

Main characters: Elizabeth Bennet, second eldest of a poor country gentleman,
Mr. Darcy, George Wickam, and Jane Bennet

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: The novel chronicles the experiences of the Bennet
sisters and their love interests.

Tags: social class, morality and moral judgment, manners, and marriage

Sula by Toni
published 1973

Genre: novel

Setting: The Bottom, a predominantly black community in Ohio, from 1919-

Main characters: Shadrack, Eva Peace, Hannah Peace, Sula Peace, Nel
Wright and Tar Baby

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: Agriculturally worthless land given to blacks
eventually becomes valuable to whites, who want to turn it into a golf course.
However, the setting serves primarily as an anchor for the story of the Peace
family and their friends and neighbors over the years.

Tags: racism, poverty and hopelessness, good and evil, post war stress

Tess of the
D’Urbervilles by
Thomas Hardy,
published 1891

Genre: novel (Victorian)

Setting: late 19th century

Main characters: Tess Durbeyfi eld, Alec D’Urberville, Angel Clare

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: Thinking they are “lost” aristocracy, the poor
Derby-fields send Tess to state their case to the wealthy D’Urbervilles. There
she is seduced by the unscrupulous Alec and becomes pregnant. After the baby
dies, Tess tries to find her own way, eventually meeting and falling in love
with Angel, but her past does not allow her to be happy.

Tags: injustice, powerlessness, symbolism

The Turn of the
Screw by Henry
James, published

Genre: short novel, novella

Setting: 1840s, Bly, a country home in Essex, England

Main characters: Douglas, Flora, the governess, Mrs. Grose,

Miss Jessel, Miles, Peter Quint
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