Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Earlier in this book, you were given a list of key literary elements to know so you would recognize
them in prose and poems. Your knowledge of literary elements will make it much easier for you to spot
significant details in texts. The other part of marking a text is knowing what to look for.

Annotating or marking a text means that as you read you underline key words, mark key phrases or
ideas and make margin notes. This process facilitates active and engaged reading. If you are making notes
while you read, if you are actively looking for what to mark, you will be less likely to drift off and to start
thinking about something else. You are also training yourself to recognize the most significant literary
aspects of a poem or prose passage.

As you read, keep the elements of style in mind—diction, imagery, tone, syntax, point of view, and
figurative language (see Chapter 5).

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