Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


What you can (should have) and cannot have in the exam room:

Yes No

Several no. 2 pencils, sharpened, with good

Cell phones, mp3 players, or any other electronic
device, including calculators

One or two reliable blue or black pens; avoid
pens that clump or bleed Cameras or other recording devices

A watch, so you can monitor your time Books, including dictionaries

Your social security number Scratch paper

Water (No bottles with paper labels are

Notes you’ve made in advance


Preparing yourself personally:
1. Eat well in the weeks prior to the exam. Get used to eating breakfast, so that you can eat a good
breakfast on exam day (the AP Lit exam is generally scheduled in the morning). A good breakfast for
your brain consists of fruit, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. Also, drink water not sugared
2. Get your sleep and not just the night before the exam. Establish good sleep patterns in the weeks
prior to the exam. Teens typically do not get enough sleep. Aim for 8–9 hours a night.
3. Wake up early enough to be fully awake and ready to go on exam day. Set your alarm so you don’t
oversleep. You don’t want to be groggy.
4. Caffeine or energy drinks may help you to be more alert, but overdoing them can make you jittery and
make it harder for you to focus. If you are not used to caffeine, you shouldn’t have any on exam day.
5. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes on the day of the exam. Prepare for fluctuations in room
temperature by wearing layers that you can adjust.

See more in Chapter 2 about what you can do to prepare for exam day.
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