Crash Course AP Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



The works listed below are shown in the same order as in the previous table, which
means the titles at the top of the table are the most frequently cited works.

The purpose of this chart is not to supplant your reading, but merely to give you a brief
glimpse of these works so you may choose several to read. It is important to your success
on the exam that you be familiar with several works from these lists. The tags below give
you an idea of themes and key literary elements for the work. Remember that you should
read widely, which means old and new works of British, American, and world literature.

For more detailed summaries and descriptions, consult a variety of Internet study guides.

Invisible Man by
Ralph Ellison,
published 1952

Genre: novel (modern)

Setting: 1930s, American South, New York (Harlem)

Main character: narrator is unnamed black man

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: search for self vs. the oppression of racism

Tags: blindness, racism, symbolism

Wuthering Heights
by Emily Brontë,
published 1847

Genre: novel (gothic)

Setting: 1700’s, Yorkshire England

Main characters: Mr. Lockwood (narrator), Nellie, Heathcliff, Catherine

Main Plot/Idea/Concept: Catherine is caught between her love for Heathcliff
and her desire to be a gentlewoman, but she decides to marry the genteel Edgar

Tags: social class, love, revenge

Expectations by
Charles Dickens,

Genre: novel (coming of age)

Setting: Kent and London, England, mid-19th century

Main characters: Pip, Joe, Mrs. Joe, Estella, Miss Havisham, Magwitch
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