Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Artemis of Ephesus. Alabaster and bronze, mid-second century A.D. The Ephesian Artemis
continues the ancient tradition of the goddess as protectress of nature—seen in the rows
of animal heads on her robe, sleeves, breastplate, and head-disk—and revives her origi-
nal connection with fertility, shown by the multiple breastlike objects (whose identity is
much debated). The turreted polos (crown) and the figure of Nike (Victory) on her breast-
plate are symbols of her role as protectress of the city of Ephesus. This Artemis is the
"Diana of the Ephesians" at the center of the riot described in Acts 19:23-41. (Naples
Museo Nazionale.) '

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