Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


with a gentle and loving heart in your breast. Be not distraught. I among the
immortals shall not be an unworthy husband for you, since I am the full brother
of your father, Zeus. While you are here with me you will rule over all that lives
and moves and you will hold the greatest honors among the immortals. Those
who wrong you and do not propitiate your power by performing holy rites and
sacrifices and offering appropriate gifts will find eternal retribution."

Hades and Persephone. Terra-cotta plaque, ca. 460 B.C.; height 1OV4 in. This is one of a se-
ries of small votive reliefs from the sanctuary of Persephone at Locri (in southern Italy).
The divinities of the Underworld sit enthroned holding emblems connected with their
worship—grain, parsley, a cock, a bowl. In front stands a lamp with a tiny cock on it,
and another cock stands beneath Persephone's throne. (Museo Nazionale, Reggio. Photo-
graph courtesy of Hirmer Verlag; Munchen.)

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