Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


In the transliteration of Greek into English, the letter upsilon (v) usually appears as y. The letter \ usu-
ally becomes ch but sometimes kh; both forms are given below. The following changes are to be noted
in the Latin and English spelling of Greek words*:
k = c: Kastor = Castor
ai = ae, or e: Graiai = Graeae; Klytaimnestra = Clytaemnestra, Clytemnestra
ei = e or i: Medeia = Medea; Kleio = Clio
ou = u: Medousa = Medusa
oi = oe: Kroisos = Croesus
oi = i: Delphoi = Delphi
final e = a: Athene = Athena
final on = um: Ilion = Ilium
Achaia,final Akhaia = Achaea os = us: Hyllos = Hyllus
Acheloos, Akheloos = Achelous
Acheron, Akheron = Acheron
Achilleus, Akhilleus = Achilles
Admetos = Admetus
Adrastos = Adrastus
Agathyrsos = Agathyrsus
Agaue = Agave
Aglaia = Aglaea
Aglauros = Aglaurus
Akamas = Acamas
Akarnania = Acarnania
Akastos = Acastus
Akestes = Acestes
Akis = Acis
Akontios = Acontius
Akrisios = Acrisius
Aktaion = Actaeon
Aia = Aea
Aiaia = Aeaea
Aiakos = Aeacus
Aias = Ajax
Aietes = Aeëtes
Aigeus = Aegeus
Aigialeia = Aegialia
Aigimios = Aegimius
Aigina = Aegina
Aigis = Aegis
Aigisthos = Aegisthus
Aigyptos = Aegyptus
Aineias = Aeneas
Aiolos = Aeolus
Aipytos = Aepytus
Aisakos = Aesacus
Aison = Aeson
Aithra = Aethra
Aitolia = Aetolia
Alekto = Alecto
Alexandros = Alexander
Alkestis = Alcestis
Alkibiades = Alcibiades
Alkeides = Alcides
Alkinoos = Alcinous

Alkmaion = Alcmaeon
Alkmene = Alcmena
Alkyone = Alcyone
Alkyoneus = Alcyoneus
Alpheios = Alpheus
Althaia = Althaea
Althaimenes = Althaemenes
Amaltheia = Amalthea
Amphiaraos = Amphiaraus
Amyklai = Amyclae
Amykos = Amycus
Anios = Anius
Ankaios = Ancaeus
Antaios = Antaeus
Anteia = Antea
Antikleia = Anticlea
Antilochos, Antilokhos = Antilochus
Antinoos = Antinous
Apsyrtos = Apsyrtus
Arachne, Arakhne = Arachne
Areion = Arion
Areiopagos = Areopagus
Arethousa = Arethusa
Argos = Argus
Aristaios = Aristaeus
Arkadia = Arcadia
Arkas = Areas
Askanios = Ascanius
Asklepios = Asclepius
Asopos = Asopus
Atalante = Atalanta
Athene = Athena
Augeias = Augeas
Autolykos = Autolycus
Bakchos, Bakkhos = Bacchus
Boiotia = Boeotia
Briareos = Briareus
C, see K
Chairephon, Khairephon = Chaerephon
Chalkiope, Khalkiope = Chalciope
Chariklo, Khariklo = Chariclo
*This list of major Greek names is not exhaustive but selective to illustrate the rules of transliteration.


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