Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Bruch, Max, 711
Brueghel, Jan the Elder, 344
Brueghel, Peter the Elder, 568
Building of the Trojan Horse, The (Tiepolo), 474
Bulfinch, Thomas, 690
Bull Dancers, The (Gradus), 745
Bull from the Sea (Renault), 224
Burkert, Walter, 14-15
Burne-Jones, Edward, 175, 515, 700
Burton, W. E., 720
Butler, H., 722
Butler, Samuel, 727
By Jupiter (Rodgers and Hart), 732

Caccini, Giulio, 706
Cacoyannis, Michael, 752
Cadmus et Hermione (Lully), 707
Calder, Alexander, 655
Callimachus, 401, 668
"Calypso" (Vega), 730
Calypso and Ulysses (Marshall), 486
Calzabigi, Raniero, 708
Cambert, Robert, 683
Camerata, 705-706
Campbell, Joseph, 17, 740
Camus, Marcel, 754
Cantata 201 (Der Streit zwischen Phoebus und Pan)
(Bach), 707
Cantata 213 (Hercules aufdem Scheidewege) (Bach), 707
Cantata to the Text of Sophoclean Choruses (Shifrin), 728
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 566, 677-678
Carmen Saeculare (Horace), 638
Carracci, Annibale, 181, 540
Carracci brothers, 698
Cartari, Vincenzo, 677
Carter, Elliott, 726-727
Cassandra, (Duncan), 736; (Wolf), 18
"Cassandra" (Hackett), 729
Castor and Pollux (Partch), 725
Castor et Pollux (Rameau), 707
Catasterisms (Eratosthenes), 670
Catharsis (Austin), 722
Cato the Elder, 646
Catullus, 560-561, 668-669
Cavalli, Pier Francesco, 706
Cave of the Heart (Graham), 741
Caxton, William, 675-676
Cefalo e Procri (Krenek), 722
Celebration (Graham), 740
Cesti, Marc Antonio, 706-707
Chadwick, George Whitefield, 720-721
Chadwick, John, 42
Chaffey, Don, 750
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 566, 676-678
Chaynes, Charles, 712
Chazin-Bennahum, Judith, 747
Cheever, Ezekiel, 689-690
Cheever, John, 691
Cherubini, Luigi, 709
Choéphores, Les (Milhaud), 711
Choice of Heracles (Carracci), 540
Christine, Henri, 715
Christmas Oratorio (Bach), 707

Christus Patiens, 289
Cicero, 626, 709
Circe (Graham), 742
Circe and Her Lovers in a Landscape (Dossi), 489
City of God (De Civitate Dei) (Augustine), 673
CIVIL WarS, The (Glass), 723
Clarke, John, 689
Clash of the Titans (film), 754
Claudel, Paul, 711
Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy), 673, 695
Clayton, Jimmy, 730
Cleanthes, 27
Clein, Francis, 698-699
Clemenza di Tito, La (Mozart), 709
Cleopatra's Night (Hadley), 721
Clouds, The (Aristophanes), 668
Clytemnestra (Graham), 741
Cocktail Party, The (Eliot), 541
Cocteau, Jean, 692, 726, 754
Coen, Joel and Ethan, 750
Colossus and the Amazon Queen (film), 749
Comedy of Errors, A (Shakespeare), 732
Comus (Milton), 681
Concert Overture (Chadwick), 720-721
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius), 674
Conti (Natalis Comes), 677
Converse, Frederick Shepherd, 721
Cooke, Sam, 730
Copland, Aaron, 742
Coriolanus (Beethoven), 709
Corneille, 683
Corsi, Jacopo, 706
Cort, Bud, 755
Cortege of Eagles (Graham), 742
Cossu, Scott, 730
Cowley, Abraham, 682
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, 439
Creagh, Patrick, 722
Cream, 730
Creation, The (Haydn), 709
Creatures of Prometheus, The (Beethoven), 709
Cretan Woman, The (Jeffers), 224, 692
Croesus on the Pyre (Myson), 135
Crumb, 742
Cry of Clytaemnestra, The (Eaton), 722
Culture and Anarchy (Arnold), 688-689
"Cupid" (Cooke), 730
Cyclope, Le ( Jolas), 728
Dafne, 706
Danaë and the Chest (lekythos), 507
Dance of the Ages (Denishawn), 737
Dance of the Furies, The (Duncan), 736
Dance of the Satyrs (Hadley), 721
Dance of the Sunrise (Denishawn), 737
D'Anguillara, Andrea, 698
Daniele, Graciela, 734
Danielou, Jean, 726
Dante, 350, 676-677
Daphne, (Hosmer), 701; (Strauss), 713
"Daphne" (Kayak), 729
Daphne of the Dunes (Partch), 725
Daphnis and Chloe (Murphy), 747
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