Digital Camera World (2019-06)

(Antfer) #1

Photo Answers




Early one


Our reader
Richard Timmons

arly one morning, I photographed
this scene handheld on my Canon EOS 7D Mark II
with a Canon 100-400mm lens. It’s a lake in County
Meath, close to where I live in rural Ireland. I often
go there early, as it’s a great place to catch the
light and the local wildlife.
I didn’t know the fishermen in the shot; I was just
in the right place at the right time as the fog was
lifting off the water and the sun was rising. The
exposure settings for this photograph were
1/750 sec at f/8 and ISO 400.

Our expert
Andrew James

hat a glorious bit of light you had,
Richard! Being in the right place at the right time is
half the battle with photography. The more time you
spend out and about in the ‘golden hours’, the luckier
you get. There is no doubting the atmosphere in this
photo, with the strong light from the sun and the
wisps of mist on the water and in the treeline.
I don’t know whether you shot this as a raw file:
if so, you might be able to rescue the burned-out
highlights in the sky and water – or at least tame
them down a bit, as the burnout is slightly distracting.
Compositionally I’m torn between keeping the
foreground grass and losing it: it adds some depth
but cropping it out simplifies the scene. This would
also lower the boat in the frame and make it less
central, especially if you cropped a tiny amount
from the right as well.
Finally, you need to make a tiny level adjustment,
because the dark horizon isn’t straight.




You’ve captured
the atmosphere on
a beautiful morning

Using the boat as your
point of interest works
really effectively

Try to process the
original file and control
the overexposed areas

Experiment with
different crops to take
control of the frame

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