Digital Camera World (2019-06)

(Antfer) #1


Grit and grain
One quick way to dirty
up a photo is to start
pushing the Dehaze slider. While
this is meant for cutting through
haze, it’s actually a great effect
in itself. It also tends to darken
the photo in the process, though.
Here I’ve set Dehaze to 35.
The next step is to add some
Clarity. This pushes the midtone
contrast and looks great on
buildings – I often use it to
add some punch to residential
photos. It also slightly lightens
the photos, counteracting
some of Dehaze’s darkening.
The more I push it, the more
I like it, so it’s 64 for Clarity.
The photo does need proper
brightening, though, so I add
+0.45 to Exposure. The
histogram shows a slight
clipping in the highlights,
so I bring Highlights to -42.


The finishing touch
The final step is to add Grain. For this I go to the Effects panel.
I want it big and bad, so I go with 36 for Amount. For Size,
I’ve gone big with 50 and bumped Roughness up slightly to 53.

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