Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

disguise(dis GYZ) vt.1. to make look, sound, etc. different from usual so as to
be unrecognizable; 2. to hide or obscure the real nature of —n.1. anything used to
change one’s appearance, voice, etc.; 2. the state of being disguised; 3. the act or
practice of disguising

  • Red Chief’s kidnappers disguisedtheir voices when they made ransom
    demands, never dreaming that the child’s parents would not want him back.

  • While disguisedas a ghost, Shaila kept bumping into walls.

  • The bank robber was incorrect when he thought the Groucho Marx dis-
    guisewould prevent his being recognized.
    [-d, disguising]
    disheveled (dis SHEV ild) adj.sloppily dressed and untidy; sloppy; not neatly
    groomed; having wrinkled clothing, etc.

  • Donna’s hair was quite disheveled,as if she had gotten up after a night’s
    tossing and turning and not brushed it.

  • Howard looked disheveled,as if he were wearing the clothes he had slept in.
    disingenuous(DIS in JEN yoo uhs) adj.not straightforward; not candid or
    frank; insincere

  • Carrie was disingenuous,telling Kaj what she thought he wanted to hear
    just to get rid of him.

  • When Harry asked Sally why she had been late, her disingenuousanswer
    included a story about a jacknifed tractor-trailer truck.
    [-ness n., -ly adv.]
    disparage*(dis PA ridzh) vt.1. to discredit; 2. to speak ill of; show disrespect
    for; to belittle

  • Walter disparagedhis own reputation when he told the story of the time he
    had spent behind bars.

  • Don’t disparageme by talking about me behind my back.
    [-d, disparaging vt.or adj., disparagingly adv.]
    disparate(dis PA rit) adj.not alike; distinct or different in kind; unequal

  • When Diane interviewed the brother and sister for the job, she spent a dis-
    parateamount of time with the brother.

  • Marty said the twins were as alike as peas in a pod, but to Jill they seemed
    as disparateas green beans and cantaloupes.
    disparity*(dis PA ri tee) n.1. difference or inequality, as in rank, amount, qual-
    ity, etc.; 2. unlikeness; incongruity

  • There is a disparitybetween a private’s and a general’s paycheck commen-
    surate with that of their ranks.

  • There is a disparityin the areas of a triangle and a rectangle of equal base
    and height.
    dispel(dis PEL) vt.to drive away; scatter; make vanish; disperse

  • When Kate saw Julio stand on his head while spinning two rings on each
    ankle, it was enough to dispelany doubt that he was the man for her.

  • The policemen’s presence helped to dispelthe crowd.
    [-led, -ling] [Syn. scatter]

D: SAT Words 85

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