Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #36.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

106 Essential Vocabulary

  1. evidence

  2. evident

  3. evitable

  4. exacerbate

  5. exasperation

  6. exception

  7. excessive

  8. exclude

  9. exclusive

  10. exculpate

  11. excursion

  12. exemplary

a. omission

b. model

c. snobbish

d. absolve

e. avoidable

f. eliminate

g. jaunt

h. proof

i. inordinate

j. manifest

k. vexation

l. aggravate

exemplify(eg ZEM pli FY) vt.1. to serve as an example; 2. to show by

  • Gloria’s behavior at the solemn memorial service exemplifiesthe proper
    way to behave at such an event.

  • Peter’s essay should exemplifywhat Mrs. Jones is looking for in a book
    [exemplified, -ing]
    exhibit(eg ZIB it) vt.1. to show or display; 2. to open to public view; 3. to give
    evidence of

  • Rhea exhibitedher school artwork for her parents to admire.

  • The Guggenheim collection is exhibiteddaily in a museum designed by
    Frank Lloyd Wright.

  • Lawrence is exhibitinga good deal of irritation with the automobile cleaning
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. prove, reveal]
    existence(eg ZIST ins) n.1. state of being; act of living; 2. taking place;
    occurrence; 3. manner of living

  • According to DesCartes, one’s existenceis proven by the fact that one
    thinks—at least I think it is.

  • The existenceof a circus at Madison Square Garden is made evident by the
    odors that meet the noses of passersby.

  • Homeless persons live a rather wretched existence.

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