Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #39.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

114 Essential Vocabulary

  1. fabrication

  2. factor

  3. fallacious

  4. fallibile

  5. falsification

  6. fathom

  7. feasible

  8. felicitous

  9. fiction

  10. figurative

  11. financial

  12. firebrand

  13. flammable

  14. flippancy

  15. florid

  16. flout

  17. fluent

a. metaphoric

b. burnable

c. defy

d. possible

e. pecuniary

f. lie

g. rabble-rouser

h. flowing

i. impertinence

j. ornate

k. comprehend

l. imaginary

m. element

n. erroneous

o. error-prone

p. misrepresentation

q. fortunate

focus(FOH kus) n.1. the point at which waves (light, heat, sound) come
together, or from which they seem to be generated; 2. an adjustmant of a lens to
create a sharp image; 3. any center of attention, activity, etc. —vt.1. to bring into
clarity; 2. to adjust the focal length of a lens, the eye, etc. to make clear; 3. to con-
centrate on one thing

  • The focusof a lens or mirror is also better known as the focal point.

  • An image seen through a lens can be brought into focusby moving the
    lens, the object, or the person viewing it.

  • The person who is the focusof all the other people’s attention at a party
    might be the life or death of the party.

  • When moving from a dark room to a well-lit room, it takes the eyes a
    moment or so to focusand adjust to the difference.

  • Most adjustable cameras use a ring to focusthe lens and make your
    viewfinder image sharp and clear.

  • Sometimes the only way to get a job done is to focuson one task at a time.
    [-ed, -ing]

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