opponent(uh POH nint) n.a person against one in a fight, argument, debate, etc.
- The navy will carry the fight to our opponent.
- The opponentssat across the chess board from each other.
- Sometimes we must sit down with our opponentsand try to work things out.
[Syn. adversary, enemy, foe]
opportunity(AHP oer TOO ni tee orAHP oer TYOO ni tee) n.1. a good
chance; 2. a set of circumstances favorable to - Every person deserves an opportunityto succeed.
- Billy is looking for an opportunityfor advancement.
- The United States has been called the land of opportunity.
[opportunities pl.]
Quick Review #59.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
O: SAT Words 169
- obdurate
- oblique
- obscurity
- observation
- obsessiveness
- obstacle
- obstreperous
- offensive
- office
- onerous
- opponent
- opportunity
a. remark
b. repugnant
c. barrier
d. burdensome
e. vociferous
f. position
g. vagueness
h. preoccupation
i. adversary
j. slanted
k. chance
l. stubborn
oppression*(uh PRESH in) n.1. a weighing heavily on the mind, spirit, or soul;
worry; troubling; 2. a keeping down by cruel or unjust use of power; 3. a feeling of
being weighed down as with worries or problems
- Oppressioncan have a paralyzing effect on a person’s ability to act.
- The oppressionof slavery was a terrible weight on many Americans prior to
the Civil War. - The oppressionof separate-but-equal educational opportunities that were
inherently unequal was not legally terminated until almost a century after
the Civil War.
[oppressive adj., oppressively adv.]