Quick Review #61.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
P – Q: SAT Words 175
- palette
- pallid
- pantomime
- paramount
- parasite
- parboil
- parch
- parenthetical
- pariah
- parish
a. overheat
b. pale
c. dominant
d. dry
e. gesticulate
f. leech
g. congregation
h. dry
i. interjected
j. colors
partisan*(PAHR ti zin) n.1. a person who takes one side or the other in a con-
test or dispute; 2. any of a group of guerrilla fighters —adj.1. like or characteristic
of a partisan; 2. blindly loyal
- In the argument between Stan and Gilda, Fred was a partisanof Gilda.
- Armed partisanshave been common over the years in much of Central
America. - Partisanpolitics tends to get in the way of Congress ever doing very much.
- No matter what Carolina does, Rocio is partisanand follows her lead.
[Syn. follower]
passive(PAS iv) adj.1. acted upon without acting back; 2. yielding; submissive;
patient; 3. taking no active part - When sanding a block of wood, the sander is the active participant, while
the wood is passive. - Boxing is not a sport for a passiveperson.
- In pleading not guilty to the charge of robbery, Bonnie insisted that she
had been passive,driving the car but having no idea that a robbery had
even taken place until the police pulled her over.
[-ly adv.]
paternal(puh TER nil) adj.1. like or typical of a father; fatherly; 2. inherited
from or related on the father’s side - Willis, the pug, acted paternallytoward both kittens.
- Lois had inherited her hairy legs from her paternalside.
- Natalie was a paternalaunt, being a sister of the child’s father.
[-ly adv.]