Quick Review #64.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
182 Essential Vocabulary
physiology(fiz ee AHL i jee) n. 1. the branch of medical science dealing with
the functions and processes of various bodily organs in relation to the whole organ-
ism and each other; 2. the functions and processes of an organism and its vital
- It is not earthshaking to conclude that the physiologiesof men and women
are as different as they are alike. - The physiologyof most organs must work together for an organism to be
truly healthy.
[physiologies pl., physiological adj., physiologically adv.]
pigment(PIG mint) n. 1. the coloring matter, usually in the form of a powder
or concentrate, that is mixed with a water or oil base to form paint; 2. a coloring
matter in the cells of plants and animals —vi.to take on color - Today, more often than not, pigmentsare mixed at the paint counter and
added to a base to give thousands of possible shades of paint for your
walls. - Even though it has another function, chlorophyll is the green pigment
found in many plants. - A chameleon’s skin will pigmentaccording to its environs.
[-ed, -ing] [Syn. tint]
- perspective
- perspicuity
- persuasive
- pertinent
- pervasive
- pessimism
- phenomenal
- phenomenon
- philanthropic
- philosophy
- phlegmatic
- physicist
a. principles
b. happening
c. relevant
d. giving
e. scientist
f. extraordinary
g. convincing
h. impassive
i. negativity
j. lucidity
k. spreading
l. proportionality