resolution (rez i LOO shin) n. 1. the act or process of breaking something up
into its constituent parts; 2. a determining or deciding; 3. the thing determined or
decided; 4. a formal statement or opinion adopted by a group; 5. a solution or
answering of a question or problem
- A digital picture’s resolutionoften depends on how many pixels it is made
up of. - The two parties worked toward the resolutionof their difficulties.
- The resolutionto the dispute was to split the baby into two equal parts.
(Hmm, where have I heard that before?) - The General Assembly’sresolutionpassed by a unanimous vote.
- To find the resolutionto a complex math problem, you should first separate
the problem into its parts and then solve each of those.
resplendent*(ris PLEN dint) adj. brightly shining; dazzling; splendid - She was resplendent,bedecked in her finest jewelry.
- The ship was resplendentin the morning sun as she made ready to sail to
the Caribbean.
[-ly adv., resplendence n.]
responsibility(ris PAHN si BIL i tee) n. 1. condition or quality of being
accountable for something’s happening; accountability, dependability, obliged, etc.;
- a thing or person that one holds accountability for
- The responsibilityfor anything that happens on this ship is the captain’s
alone. - On a field trip, the teacher takes responsibilityfor all the students’
well-being. - The children are the babysitter’s responsibility.
restraint(ris TRAYNT) n. 1. a holding back or being held back; 2. an influence
or action that holds something back; 3. a limitation of liberty; 4. emotional con-
trol; impulse control; reserve; constraint - The patient is confined to her bed by Velcro restraints.
- Sometimes we need to use restraintto keep from eating that extra dessert
treat. - The Constitution of the United States permits no restraintof freedom of
speech, which doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. - Restraint,like everything else, should be exercised in moderation.
retain* (ree TAYN) vt. 1. to keep; maintain possession of; 2. to continue to have
or to hold in; 3. to keep in mind; 4. to hire (as a lawyer) - One needs to make the monthly mortgage payments to retainownership of
a house. - Walt Disney retainedhis stock in the company long after he had ceased
running it. - It is not easy for all people to retainfacts in their minds.
- If you intend to pursue your interest in this matter, it might be advisable
for you to retainan attorney.
[-ed, -ing] [Syn. keep]
R: SAT Words 203