Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #1.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

A: SAT Words 9

  1. abandon

  2. abbreviated

  3. ability

  4. abridge

  5. abscond

  6. absolve

  7. absorb

  8. abstain

  9. abstract

  10. absurd

  11. accentuate

  12. acceptable

a. condense

b. refrain

c. engross

d. theoretical

e. forsake

f. ridiculous

g. acquit

h. tolerable

i. emphasize

j. expertise

k. shortened

l. flee

acceptance(ak SEP tins) n.1. being accepted; 2. an approval

  • Jack’s acceptanceby Jill’s family made him very happy.

  • Ian’s acceptanceof full responsibility for the telephone charges got Kira off
    the hook (so to speak).
    access(AK ses) n.1. the act of coming near to; approach; 2. a way of approach-
    ing something; 3. the right to enter or use something —vt.to gain or have use of a

  • The accessto the house was through the side door.

  • Sebastian gained accessto his car through the driver’s window.
    [-ed, -ing]
    accommodate(uh KOM uh dayt) vt.1. to make fit; to adapt; adjust; 2. to rec-
    oncile; 3. to do a service or favor for; 4. to have room for

  • An adapter is needed for your sink to accommodatethe dishwasher hose.

  • Even though I don’t want to do it, I’ll accommodateyou.

  • The hotel accommodatesits guests with room service.

  • The kitchen accommodatesseating space for four.
    [-d, accommodating]

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