Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

accuracy(AK yur isee) n.the quality of being correct or exact; exactness,

  • Weather forecasts are not renowned for their accuracy.

  • Robin Hood could shoot an arrow with great accuracy.
    accurate(AK yur it) adj.1. careful and precise; 2. free from errors; 3. sticking
    closely to a standard (like a scale)

  • Ian made an accuratedrawing of his pet pug Willis.

  • Sarah had to be accuratein math to get a grade of 100%.

  • Making candy requires a very accuratethermometer.
    [accurately adv.] [Syn. precise]
    achieve(uh CHEEV) vt.1. to succeed in doing; 2. to get somewhere; to attain;
    to gain —vi.to succeed

  • Franklin Roosevelt achievedelection to the U.S. presidency four separate

  • It is difficult to achievethe lead in the Tour de France bicycle race.

  • When Hillary tried to climb Everest, the goal was his to achieve.
    [-d, achieving, achievement n.] [Syn. reach, perform]

Quick Review #2.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

A: SAT Words 11

  1. acceptance

  2. access

  3. accommodate

  4. accommodation

  5. accomplice

  6. accomplish

  7. accord

  8. accost

  9. account

  10. accuracy

  11. accurate

  12. achieve

a. adjust

b. perform

c. careful

d. judge

e. precision

f. approach

g. gain

h. approval

i. associate

j. consent

k. adaptation

l. intrude
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