amalgamate(uh MAL guh MAYT) vt. 1. to join together into one; to unite; to
combine; 2. to alloy into an amalgam (an alloy of mercury and another metal, used
by dentists in fillings)
- Many smaller companies were amalgamatedto form some of today’s corpo-
rate giants, such as General Electric and U.S. Steel. - Mercury and silver are amalgamatedto form the amalgam that is losing
popularity with dentists as a filling material.
[-d, amalgamating]
ameliorate(uh MEEL ee uh RAYT) vt. to make or become better; to improve - A visit by a professional cleaning service should amelioratethe mess in our
living room. - The automobile company recalled all 2004 model cars to amelioratethe
problem with the steering pump.
[-d, ameliorating] [Syn. improve]
Quick Review #88.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
A: GRE Words 247
- advocate (vt.)
- advocate (n.)
- affinity
- affirm
- aggrandize
- agronomy
- allegory
- alleviate
- allocate
- alloy
- amalgamate
- ameliorate
a. connection
b. relieve
c. improve
d. symbolism
e. distribute
f. unite
g. enrich
h. fuse
i. support
j. assert
k. farming
l. supporter
amenable(uh MEN i bl or uh MEEN i bl) adj. 1. responsive; answerable to;
- controllable; submissive
- Would you be amenableto someone’s making you an offer for your car?
- Pneumonia is amenableto treatment with antibiotics.
[amenably adv.] [Syn. obedient]