broach(BROHCH) vt. 1. to start a discussion of; bring up; introduce; 2. to drill
a hole (in a cask); to tap (a keg) —n.a tool for drilling
- Peggy broachedthe subject of going to the movies tomorrow evening.
- Given how hot it had been all day, someone was bound to broachthe idea
of going swimming. - Tom broachedthe cask of root beer using a tool known (appropriately
enough) as a broach.
[-ed, -ing] [Syn. utter]
buoyant(BOY int) adj. 1. having or showing the ability to float; 2. having the
ability to lift one’s spirits - A life vest makes one buoyantso that should you accidentally fall from a
boat, you would float. - Spiritual songs are often buoyant,lifting one’s spirits.
[-ly adv., buoyancy n.]
burnish(BOER nish) vt. to make or become shiny by rubbing; polish —n. a
gloss or a polished finish - Verna burnishedthe silverware in preparation for the big dinner.
- After being polished, the mirror had a nice burnish.
[-ed, -ing]
Quick Review #91.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
B: GRE Words 255
- baste
- benevolent
- benign
- bigotry
- bland
- boggle
- bogus
- boisterous
- bolster
- bombast
- boor
- bourgeois
- brazen
- broach
- buoyant
- burnish
a. conventional
b. pomposity
c. utter
d. oaf
e. intolerance
f. uplifting
g. impudent
h. confuse
i. vociferous
j. insipid
k. support
l. false
m. tack
n. polish
o. kind
p. nonmalignant