Foreign Phrase Definition
cogito, ergo sum! [L.] “I think, therefore I am.”—Descartes
comédie noir [Fr.] black comedy
comme ci, comme ça [Fr.] like this, like that; so, so
concordia discors [L.] harmony in discord
coup de grace [Fr.] deathblow
coup d’etat [Fr.] lit.blow to the state; overthrow the
state government
coup de maître [Fr.] masterstroke
danke schön [Ger.] thank you very much
danse macabre [Fr.] dance of death
de facto [L.] in fact
de gustibus non est disputandum [L.] one can’t argue taste
Dei gratia [L.] by the grace of God
de nouveau [Fr.] new
Dominus vobiscum [L.] may God be with you
en ami [Fr.] in friendship
en bloc [Fr.] all together
en clair [Fr.] clear; not in code
enfant terribile [Fr.] lit.terrible child; child whose behavior
causes shock and dismay; mischievous
or outrageous one
en garde [Fr.] on guard
en suite [Fr.] in succession
entre nous [Fr.] between us
Erin go bragh [Ire.] Ireland forever
ex more [L.] customary
ex post facto [L.] lit.what is done after; retroactive
femme de chambre [Fr.] chambermaid
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