Foreign Phrase Definition
mea culpa [L.] my fault
merci beaucoup [Fr.] thank you very much
mère [Fr.] mother
Missa solemnis [L.] High Mass (Roman Catholic)
mitzvah [Heb.] blessing; commandment
n’est-ce pas? [Fr.] Isn’t it so?
nicht wahr? [Ger.] Isn’t it so?
nil desperandum [L.] “never desperate”—Horace
noblesse oblige [Fr.] the inferred obligation of high-ranking
people to behave well toward others
nom de plume [Fr.] pen name
non sequitur [L.] a remark having no bearing on what
was just said; an illogical conclusion
from the facts
nouveau riche [Fr.] newly rich, and hence unschooled in
the appropriate behavior of the wealthy
omnia vincit amor [L.] “Love conquers all!”—Virgil
on dit [Fr.] says; it is said
o tempora! o mores! [L.] “Oh times! Oh morals!”—Cicero, mean-
ing “What a time we live in!”
par avion [Fr.] by airplane; airmail
par exemple [Fr.] for example
Pax Britannica [L.] peace imposed by Britain
Pax Romana [L.] peace imposed by Rome
pax vobiscum [L.] peace be with you
père [Fr.] father
peu à peu [Fr.] little by little
peu de chose [Fr.] small thing; a trifle
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