Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
comedic(kuh MEE dik) adj. of or having to do with comedy; humorous

  • John Cleese had a comedicwalk in Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks

  • Mike Meyers’ comedicportrayals appeal to some people more than they do
    to others.
    [-ally adv.]
    commencement(kuh MENS mint) n. 1. the beginning or start; the time of
    same; 2. the school or college ceremonies at which degrees or diplomas are award-
    ed; 3. the day upon which this takes place

  • The commencementof the show will be at 8 P.M.

  • Lafayette High School’s commencementwill be held at the field house.

  • Yale’s commencement is often on a Thursday.
    comment (KOM ent) n. 1. a note that explains, criticizes, or illustrates some-
    thing written or said; annotation; 2. a remark or observation made to express criti-
    cism or opinion; 3. talk; chatter; gossip —vi.to comment on; to make remarks

  • George just had to make a commenton Paul’s theories.

  • When Sue remarked that it was hot in the room, Pam felt it necessary to
    commentin her support.

  • With gossips, it’s just one commentafter another.

  • Some people find it necessary to commenton practically anything and
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. remark]
    commercial (kuh MER shil) adj. 1. of or connected to trade; 2. of or having to
    do with stores, office buildings, etc.; 3. of a lower grade or for use in large amounts
    in industry —n.paid radio or TV advertisement

  • The ship was engaged in international commercialtrade.

  • Beth’s neighborhood was zoned for commercialuse, so she had no recourse
    when the grocery opened next door.

  • The warehouse club sells mayonnaise in gallon jars, suitable for commercial
    use but kind of large for use at home.

  • Some of the most entertaining television these days is to be found in soft-
    drink commercials.
    commitment(kuh MIT mint) n. 1. a delivering for safekeeping; 2. official
    internment of a person to a prison or a mental institution; 3. a promise to do
    something; 4. dedication to a long-term involvement; 5. a financial liability

  • A burial service accompanied the commitmentof the naval officer’s body to
    the ocean depths.

  • It’ll take a court order to affect the commitmentof this book’s author to the
    booby hatch.

52 Essential Vocabulary

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