Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

consider (kuhn SID uhr) vt.1. to think about; ponder; 2. to keep in mind; take
into account; 3. to be thoughtful of others

  • In studying World War I, one must considerthe alliances that had been
    formed among the nations of Europe.

  • Her health is really very good, if you considerher age.

  • We cannot give our security contract to a new provider without considering
    its effect on our current provider.
    [-ed, -ing, -ation n.] [Syn. contemplate, weigh]
    consist (kuhn SIST) vi.1. to be made up of; 2. to be contained or inherent in; 3.
    to be characterized by

  • Water consistsof two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

  • Wisdom consistsof more than just knowing facts.

  • Her cultural pursuits consistof watching television.
    construct (kuhn STRUHKT for v., KAHN strukt for n.) vt.1. to create; 2. to draw
    a figure to meet specifications —n.1. something built or put together systematically;

  1. a concept or theory devised to unify diverse data

  • Some children love to constructbuidings with interlocking plastic blocks,
    and so do I.

  • Suzanne was asked to constructan isosceles triangle congruent to the one
    in her geometry book.

  • The plan for the new field house was a constructthat had taken two years
    and hundreds of meetings to achieve.

  • The big-bang theory is a constructto explain discoveries and observations
    of astronomers over the last century.
    contaminate(kuhn TAM in AYT) vt.to corrupt, make impure, infect, etc. by
    adding something that shouldn’t be there; pollute; defile; taint

  • Truck exhaust fumes contaminatethe air we all breathe.

  • Salt contaminatesseawater, making it undrinkable for us.

  • The nuclear accident at Chernobyl contaminatedmuch of northern
    Europe’s pasturelands.
    [-d, contaminating, contaminator n.] [Syn. defile, taint, corrupt]
    contemplate(KON tem PLAYT) vt.1. to stare at intently; 2. to think about
    carefully; study intently; 3. to keep in mind as a possibile plan of action

  • Jerry contemplatedthe telephone bill, studying the total charges in disbelief.

  • The coach contemplatedwhom to put into the starting lineup for the next
    day’s game.

  • To improve our property value, please contemplaterunning away from
    home (please).
    [-d, contemplating, contemplation n.] [Syn. consider]

62 Essential Vocabulary

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