Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Want a hint? — Think about what you already know
to order events by time. You can do it!

Directions: Read the sentences and select the correct time each took place. Refer to the
choices below.

Revolutionary War Civil War Prehistoric Future 1960s
March 15, 44 B.C. Old West Present 1492 1990s

  1. Thanks to his habit of sharing the proceeds from his crimes with the widows and children
    of men killed or ruined by bankers and cattle barons, Butch Cassidy earned a reputation
    as the Robin Hood of his time.
    Time ____

  2. A day known as the Ides of March, Julius Caesar entered the Senate House. As Caesar
    entered the Senate, he was assassinated.
    Time ____

  3. General George Washington looked out among his troops. Famine, frost, and exhaustion
    were taking its toll on these brave men.
    Time ____

  4. Giant reptiles called dinosaurs roamed the earth long before humans.
    Time ____

  5. Lincoln sat in his study. His face was drawn and gaunt, a mirror of the turmoil he felt
    inside as his country battled—brother against brother.
    Time ____

  6. The war in Vietnam raged, and the Beatles played on nearly every radio and jukebox in
    the world.
    Time ____

  7. Christopher Columbus left Spain for his first voyage.
    Time ____

  8. Bill Clinton defeats George Bush and becomes the next president of the United States.
    Time ____

  9. There are houses on the moon, trips to Venus, and robots that do your homework.
    Time ____

  10. Every kid seems to own a DVD player and a cell phone.
    Time ____

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