Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 130 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Na m e : ___ _



To be a good detective, you have to know what facts
are important and not important to the case you’re
solving! So, ask yourself questions as you read.


Directions: Read the story below. Then, complete the story map.

Story maps, timelines, and grids are called graphic
devices. They are a terrific way to help you organize
information and remember it.

Katie’s mom entered her world-famous chili in the State Fair Chili Cook Off. Mrs. Frank spent
the entire morning in the kitchen cooking up her family’s secret recipe. Katie could smell the
aroma from the onions, peppers, ground beef, beans, and spices simmering together to make
the tasty dish. She grew hungrier by the minute. After hours of preparation, Mrs. Frank called
Katie into the kitchen. Katie came running into the kitchen; her mom held out a wooden spoon
with her other hand underneath it. “Taste this,” asked her mom. As always, the chili was
delicious, and Katie told her mom she thought it would win first prize.
There were 100 contestants at the State Fair. Katie’s mom put her chili pot in front of her
number, 29. The judges walked down the rows of chili pots and took a spoonful from each.
After each bite, they wrote some comments on a clipboard. Mrs. Frank didn’t know what they
were writing because judges had to keep everything secret until winners were announced. After
two hours, they were ready. Katie’s mom was nervous. The judges gave Katie’s mom’s chili pot
the red ribbon—second place. Mrs. Frank was so happy. “You’ll always be #1 to me,” whispered
Katie, as she gave her mom a big hug.

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