Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story below. Then fill in the boxes below.

My mom and sister are scared of mice. Mice are so small that it’s hard for me to fear their
presence. Anyway, I’m a boy and boys aren’t afraid of furry little creatures. In fact, we
like them! My house is near an open field, which makes it convenient for mice to visit our
house. When the uninvited guests arrive, it’s my job to see that they promptly leave! I
make live mousetraps. These traps are foolproof because they lull the mouse into
thinking there is a free cheese meal being served. But when the mouse sits down to eat,
SLAM, the trap door closes! No mouse can escape my ingenious trap.
I bait the trap with Swiss cheese, which I have learned is a mouse delicacy. I, too, like
putting Swiss cheese on my turkey sandwiches. I use about half a slice for the mousetrap
and the other half for myself. I think of these mice as my unwelcome friends. After all, we
do have something in common—our love for cheese!
Once I bait the trap and catch a mouse, I usually return it to the field behind our house.
I’m convinced the mice tell each other about the food and adventures they have at my
house. Why else would so many keep coming back each fall for more cheese?




The problems:

Problem building up:

Problem to a head:

Problem resolved:



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