Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Choose the word that belongs in both sentences. Then, write the word on the lines.

  1. My brother is practicing to be a drummer in a __ band.
    Our neighbor threw a __ at my brother while he was practicing the drums.
    jazz kiss rubber rock

  2. People of every __ should be treated with respect.
    He led for most of the __ and then tired.
    journey religion race contest

  3. Elephants use their __ to help clear the forest.
    I always carry a spare tire in the __ of my car.
    wheel trunk tusks boot

  4. The game of ____ is very popular in England.
    Jamie always forgets to look before he __ across the road.
    soccer dashes scurries darts

  5. My dog constantly jumps our __.
    The thief took the stolen goods to a __.
    fence salesman gate keeper

  6. It was peaceful watching as the cows __ on the grass in the meadow.
    Her hand lightly __ his cheek as she brushed away the flies.
    browsed caressed grazed touched

  7. We will have to __ the pool to repair the plaster on the bottom.
    The children are afraid to go into the __ house next door.
    hollow drain empty vacant

  8. The __ on this ancient monument is very hard to read.
    Have you read the __ about the mermaid and the dolphin?
    myth legend motto inscription

  9. When monkeys find a tree full of ripe fruit they __ themselves.
    There is a large __ between us and our destination.
    ravine gorge stuff canyon

  10. While we were hiking we found an old __ up on that hill.
    Our club has a very __ situation to discuss at our next meeting.
    burial mound solemn mine grave

  11. My sister is the best ___ on her softball team.
    A cool __ of lemonade is always welcome on a hot day.
    player quart pitcher glass

Words, words, words—It’s not the word but how
you use it that gives it meaning.
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