Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story below and then list what information is important to solving the
case and what is not.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

It was midnight when I got the call on my purple pocket cell phone, which I always leave
positioned on my nightstand. The ring jolted me out of bed. Grabbing my flannel footed-
pajama bottoms, I answered the phone. It was my neighbor, Mrs. Hooper; she was
hysterical. I could barely make out what she was saying amid the ranting sobs. It sounded
something like, “I’m a hog sissy.”
“Well, Mrs. Hooper, that may be true, but isn’t it an odd hour of the night to call me with
such a confession?” I rubbed the sleep out of my ears and listened harder.
“My dog’s missing!” She repeated...actually, squealed. “You must find him immediately. I
will pay you $100.” Money appeals to my sympathetic side—so I threw a gray trench coat
over my pajamas and headed out the door. I was at Mrs. Hooper’s house in 1.4 minutes.
“Where did you last see the canine?” I inquired, already canvassing the room for clues.
“Snuggles was next to me on the pillow when I fell asleep at exactly 11:47. There was a
loud sawing noise and I awoke with a start—I noticed Snuggles was gone. I was terrified. I
panicked. That’s when I called you at precisely midnight.”
“Hmmmmm,” I thought, “Time is important here...not much passed between the time she fell
asleep and then awoke and called me. On top of that we need to consider the loud sawing
noise. Dogs have sensitive ears.” I summoned up the courage to ask a pivotal question. “Mrs.
Hooper, don’t take this the wrong way, but do you snore?” She blushed. “I
thought so. Let’s have a look in your closet.” As I suspected, there was Snuggles
under a pile of dirty laundry—his paws tightly covering his ears.
The reunion was swift and I was back in bed within the hour, $100 bill
firmly clenched in my hand. Sweet dreams followed.

Important facts: List five facts that are relevant to solving the case.
Unimportant facts: List five pieces of information that have no bearing on the case.
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