Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Look for the main idea and supporting details as you read the information
below. Write the main idea and phrases to describe the supporting facts on the
spaces provided.

At the end of the Civil War, the defeated South was a ruined land. The physical destruction

caused by Union troops was enormous, and the old social and economic order founded on

slavery had collapsed completely, with nothing to replace it. Carpetbaggers saw this as an

opportunity to prosper. The word carpetbagger was used in the South after the Civil War to

describe Northerners who went to the South during reconstruction to seek their fortune.

Although regarded as temporary residents of the South because of the carpetbags in which

they carried their possessions (hence the name carpetbaggers), most of these opportunists

intended to settle in the South and take advantage of business opportunities there. Former

slaves were more trusting of Northerners than former slave

owners and tended to vote for the outsiders. With the

support of the black vote, the carpetbaggers played an

important role in the Republican state governments. The

corrupt activities of some carpetbaggers made the term

carpetbagger one and the same with any stranger who

interferes in a town’s political affairs for personal benefit.

Main Idea: ____

Supporting Details: ____

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